Shit I rock ass. Damn.
Christeyopgwe: are you bored?
DelitaRemoved: kinda poopy
Christeyopgwe: why is that?
DelitaRemoved: my best friend (the ass you says i'm not attracitve enuff) has done some more poopy stuff
Christeyopgwe: like what?
Christeyopgwe: what's this best friend's name?
DelitaRemoved: well, there is always his "i'm gay/I'mstraight" drama he drags me into
DelitaRemoved: his name is hudson
DelitaRemoved: tons of guys know him
DelitaRemoved: you probably do too
Christeyopgwe: why do you say that?
Christeyopgwe: so are you talking to him?
DelitaRemoved: cuz lots of guys know him
DelitaRemoved: i always talk to him
DelitaRemoved: this weekend he cut his internet cable cuz he was too weak to not talk to someone he shouldnt
DelitaRemoved: and he did so without considering how it affects our friendship
Christeyopgwe: who was this person?
Christeyopgwe: that sucks
DelitaRemoved: a guy in FL he was phone dating and leading on
Christeyopgwe: oh really?
Christeyopgwe: so he's not going to be online anymore?
DelitaRemoved: nope
DelitaRemoved: it was his pastor's advice
DelitaRemoved: asst pastor
DelitaRemoved: his pastor is his father
Christeyopgwe: I see
I knew he was keeping something from me.
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