This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

This is from Alanna. I had to put it in my blog, so I'll have it forever. This girl is awesome.

Did you ever notice that everything is based on your own personal perspective? I think one of the biggest problems people have is that they hold others up to the light they see by and expect it all to make sense.

But it can't.

I can't see what you see because I haven't lived what you have lived.

Maybe the air even smells different to me.

Maybe rocky road ice cream reminds me of a park that I used to go to as a kid called Rocky Butte.

Maybe it reminds you of summer.

I found a quote my little sister wrote down the other day that really struck me.

"I kill spiders to save the butterflies."

There are atleast 3 perspectives on that.

We know two.

I guess no one asked the spider.