Yaay for work. It's slow! Fun times for that. I just want to post the results of my expiriment. I should type them up or something.
# of guys that talked to me: 48
# of times my profile was viewed (in 6 days) 415 (that's alot)
# of guys who continued to talk to me after I reaveled to them what was up to: 8
# of guys who stopped talking to me after a week after the above: 4
# of people I have met: 2
# of people I have talked to on the phone before I told them: 6
# of people I have talked on the phone with and they know: 3
# of people who have IMed me since I changed my profile: 2
# of people I IMed to purposfully decieve: 1 (That was Tom)
Reactions that I got:
"I'm not interested in black guys"
"why did you do that?"
"You're mean, evil and deceiving"
"And I was beginning to like you"
"wow, your real picture is hotter than the fake one"
"you changed the way I view people now, I mean I've been talking to you this whole time, and I was liking you, not of what you looked like, but your personality. I usually don't even look at black guys, but now I won't write someone off as soon as I meet them or block them"
"oh. cute" (then they block me. I know they block me, because I am the ruler of the online world, and I switch screen names to see)
"people suck, people are evil and wicket *wicked"
"oh, so I can talk ghetto to you now"
"I'm very surprised"
"why didn't you tell me when I said that I thought you were cute" (that was a bas mistake on my end)
"I don't base who I talk to on what they look like"
"don't you think it's rather deceving to talk to someone under a different name? Well I think it's rude, childish, and stupid. Have a nice life" (I will thank you very much)
and more, but I don't want to get them from out of my computer (which is at the apartment) to post them
So, basically saying, most online guys (with rare and amazing exceptions) suck ass in a bad way.
It's all good though. I learned alot, and I thought it was fun. Damn Fun. I want to do it again, but for longer. And maybe the next time I'll do it just for sex, and see what kind of in person reaction I get. Wow. That would be extremely fun. *ponders for a bit* sounds like a project for next year. Oh of course I won't have sex with them.
That's it
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