This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Monday, November 24, 2003


MY FAMILY IS COMING UP FOR CHRISTMAS! Well, at least that's the plan so far. Oh my gosh. I am so happy.

What's up!?!?!?!? Nothing much here. Christian said that ya'll are coming up!!!!!!!! i am so excited. I've already started planning what we're going to do. i'm telling ALL of my friends, and we're going to throw a party, and everything. oh my gosh! i'm going to take ya'll ALL over! I really really really hope everything works out. I'll take off like every day ya'll are here. Well not every day, but i'll make sure that ya'll will have stuff to do while I'm at work. be sure to bundle up! fun times for all! wouldn't that be fun times!? Well I have to go, becasue I'm at work. be sure to call me! AHHH!

that's the email I sent to Moma. I can't contain my excitement. I am so happy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!