This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Saturday, February 07, 2004


So I must tell of the last 2 days. yesterday, nothing much happened, except it was the day of the hotties. Haha. but the day before...

1) Went to work
2) Got off of work, to go Helena to see
3) Monster
4) We missed the 8:00 show, so we
5) Picked up Rohan and
6) decided to go to dinner.
7) We drove around for an hour deciding where to go
8) We decided to just get hot dogs and nachos from the
9) Movie theater.
10) So we parked. In a really good spot. We didn't however,
11) know that we couldn't park there.
12) The movie was awesome.
13) I was impressed.
14) I know this is gay, but
15) I cried.
16) Okay, not really, but I wanted to
17) After the movie, we planned to go to the
18) Royal.
19) Yes, I know, but I needed an uplifter after that movie.
20) We walked out to the car only to find...
21) ...This is for suspense...
22) It wasn't there.
23) Yes, we had been towed.
24) Damn.
25) We met some HOT police officers, who gave us the number to the
27) Then we had to trek over there.
28) 'Twas not a short trek, and it was snowing.
29) I was cold.
30) Oh yes, I should mention
31) I was the only one with money
32) So I bailed her car out.
33) It was not cheap.
34) At all.
35) Well, we got lost, because the people SUCKED at giving directions.
36) We then went to Clark's, where I saw a
37) really, Really, REALLY
38) cute guy.
39) I didn't do anything, of course.
40) I should have, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.
41) I then went home, and went to bed, dreaming of guys.
42) How lovely is the life I lead!

PS. I love Mary Poppins.