This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Yeah, so I just got home from Bible study, and it was awesome! Wow, I am going to go every week. I don’t even know where to start. The whole youth group didn’t show up, and that’s good (that sounds bad to say, but I think it’s a good thing). I was really reluctant to go.. why? I don’t know I am the person who is always up for new things, but not youth group for some reason. I can’t say I’ve been the biggest fan of youth group, like I haven’t put my whole heart into it like I used to. What is up with that? I know this summer is my last, but I am going to make it a good one. I have decided (I just decided tonight). The guys that were at Bible study: Kevin Harvey, Daniel Hodge, Tommy Talice (he’s on a different level than the rest of us) and myself. The leaders were Jeff (our youth leader) and Robbie (the youth intern). Jeff didn’t say much, and that’s good too, because he let us do our thing. I really like it, and I think God is going to do a lot through us. I think we could have a couple more guys, but anymore would be too many. We talked about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob today, and the big plans God had for them. I think it was relevant, because we never know what God has in store for us. A really big question popped up, and I think it’s a question I need to ask myself more. “Don’t ask what God wants me to do, but ask what kind of person does God want me to be.” I think that’s really awesome, because I am always asking “what’s supposed to come out of this for me, or what is this supposed to achieve? Those are for God to know, and us to find out. We just need to be focused on obeying God continuously, and having frequent interaction with him. Another big point was brought up to me also. You know how we ask God for things, and we always just wait around for them? We shouldn’t do that, we should always pray about it, not just make it a one time thing, ya know? Every time it pops up in our head, we should pray about it, and seek His guidance, because if it is being brought up in our thoughts, then obviously, it’s a big issue. Here’s an example. Ok so at the beginning of the school year, you know being a senior was a bundle of bricks being thrown in your face. The huge problem every senior faces is college. Yes, us church goers say, yeah, we have prayed about it, and we are just waiting for God to tell us what to do. It doesn’t work like that. That’s what I learned. We should have been praying 24/7, and it would have been so less stressful. Bringing problems to God makes everything easier. I didn’t know where I was going for sure until very late in the year. I thought I was going to American University, but those plans were shot down in one letter. It was weird. I had already been making plans to go there, etc, and I thought that’s where God wanted me. I am still not totally sure God wants me in film school, but things are going fairly smoothly. Yeah, so that’s that. God really does work in some awesome ways. That was Bible study. I will be going more. Well, tomorrow is the last day of VBS. Talk about some sad times. This week was so awesome with the fourth graders. I am so excited about tomorrow for many different reasons. One: VBS! Two: we are going on a ‘bus tour’ well not really a bus tour, but we are mapping out the whole Raleigh bus route for some refugees who are staying here for a few weeks. They are from Vietnam. The whole time I heard they were coming, I wanted to do something for them, but I didn’t know what I could do. I could have taken initiative, and asked somebody, but I didn’t. I don’t really know why either. I just didn’t. Three: We got new movies! Fun times! Four: VBS (did I already say that?) Five: I don’t know, but fun times anyways. The hockey game is on. I am not the biggest hockey fan, but it’s fun to go to the games. I don’t watch many sports on TV, but I do love me some college basketball. Yes yes yes. I might wake up in the morning and go to Jeff’s house to watch World Cup soccer, but I really don’t think I will wake up that early. Not saying 7:30 is early, but going from watching the game to VBS might take some energy. Yeah, so, my sister didn’t have her girls’ night out tonight, b/c I really don’t know why, but she didn’t have it. Fun times. I don’t know why I get so worked over things like I did earlier today, but I just do. As my dad puts it, “I get worked up over the things that mean nothing, and I need to re evaluate my priorities.” I don’t believe that, because I think I get worried over the things that are important to me. Just because they aren’t important to him, doesn’t mean I can’t put them high on my list, right? Well yeah, so I am in a good mood, and don’t need to start on this track.

Artist for the rest of the day: John Mayer
Thing/person that REALLY angers me : WILL SMITH
Awesome Actor: EDWARD NORTON (he is my boy)
Best Friend in the Whole World : Maya