we stayed up too late last night.
entirely too late. But it was fun. we danced. I learned how to Spanish dance. ALL KINDS. it's hot. Zaidy rocks my hips. I can't wait till next year.
5:00am too late, and I had to get the rest of everything packed today.
!) Karla (manager) called at 10 till 8 this morning, asking if I could come in to work.
@) She's funny.
#) I told her I couldn't stay long.
$) She still didn't know I was leaving Monday
%) but I told her.
^) she wasn't even mad.
&) So I went to work, and it was bad.
*) I was so tired
() but the time flew by!
!)) I came home, and took a nap
!!) woke up, got some cereal
!@) Sahar came over, to work out
!#) I gave her a message
!$) then I packed more with Olivia
!%) we got everything in boxes and bags, and
!^) took Ben's skateboard and toted them all the way to the post office only to find
!&) it was closed. I live Downtown. nothing is open on Saturday.
!() Not good. so I went to FEdEX
@)) it was closed too.
@!) I am now back home, relaxing, and hungry. again
@@) Shar and I are going to see David later
@#) then Zaidy has a party.
FUN times.
"shaniquia don't live here no mo'"
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