What a weekend.
Friday: I didn't do much, but went to Taste of Chicago, and saw Tina Marie, who rocked my socks. Friday night, I ended up going out with Rohan and Tonya, and we had a fair amount of fun. We went to a party of one of Helena's friends. 'twas okay.
Saturday: I wasn't supposed to work, but I took Julius's shift. It wasn't bad, as it was fairly slow, and Everyone was in a good mood. Saturday night, I went to Jenn's party, which was pretty boring. I wasn't really in the best of moods, and considering I was looking cue and stuff, I was semi-dissapoined.
Sunday: The actual PRIDE day. The actual parade was awesome. I had a blast at the parade, and everyone (meaning completly random people) bought/gave me drinks. I didn't know if they wanted me to get wasted, or what. I didn't. get wasted that is. After the parade, things started dying down, and everyone got into the bitchiest mood, except me, I was having a wonderful time. I don't think it was the weather, becasue it was a beautiful day. Scott Show threw up, Rohan was mad at me, Tarin got upset because we didn't pick her up at work, and Scott didn't get to get trashed, because he was at work. Everyone was just bitchy, and I was trying to calm everyone down. In the early evening, it was prolly around 7, everyone decided to part ways, and go home, until later (I wanted to go to piece to see jake play, and helena was to come with me. I knew that meant I wasn't going out later, because I had to be here at work at 8). Well, we (jenelle, helena, and I) were on the way home in Helena's car when...
we got in a crash. Boo. That was NOT the way to end the weekend. Her car wasn't totaled, but it didn't start. She was hysterical, and I kept everyone calm. Jenny, a friend of Tarin's, drove by, and stopped to help. Jenelle left with Jenny. She got scared. I was upset at that situation, but I didn't show it, and I won't. Everything was handled, for the most part, by me, because I was the only one with a sane head. I usually am in emergency situations. We went back to my house, Helena and I, I made dinner, and we watched a movie and went to sleep.
I am pooped. What a weekend.
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