This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Monday, September 23, 2002

Allright. It's about time I update. Sheet. Well I am eating some pasta salad, and I have to say, it is off the chain. Wowsers. It makes my breath reek though, but since I don't plan on kissing anymore people tonight, that doesn't matter. I actually should be heading to bed, because I have to go to work tomorrow, but first I have to get some stuff out on this blog. Jenny and Maya cintinue to be my girls, and you know we have some fun times, be it off or online. haha. I have to break it down with the song! Here it goes:
Jesus is a homey!
you call him on the phoney!
whenever you're aloney!
and you don't respect your girleys!
for calling you a HOEey
and using the backdoorey!

Haha you know that is my new JAM, besides that Justin Timberlake song. OHHHHHHHHHH WWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE let me tell you how many levels that song has. Sheet. You can't imagine what it does for me. Well anyways, I have to break down the dreams I have been having the past couple of nights, about a certain celebrity (RG). They have been awesome!!!!!!! Yes lawd! Anyways, Work has been some fun times, except for the day I got semi-chewed out. I don't appreciate that. Yeah, I met these awesome people tonight, and had a blast of fun times. They are all Justin's friends. Justin is a friend of mine, and yeah. So here goes: There's Justin, who is just hilarious, and his laugh cracks me up. From what I expierenced, he's smart, and very outgoing. David, is Justin (my friend)'s best friend. He's really funny too, and makes jokes about sex, which are quite funny, and witty. haha.. I'll be hanging out with them more hopefully, but yeah, we had some fun tonight. We hung out, went to Quizno's, playes Ultimate Outburst (which my team won) and Super Smach Bros. (which is highly addicting, and hilarious). Then, we played some You don't know Jack, and went home. It was fun times. Yaay for all. I don't know what else to write, but I have a feeling I will be updating tomorrow, becuase Jenny and Maya will want me to say something crazified about them, so don't worry. I'll say a little something about Maya, the skank-ho of the dance floor. She does know how to pick the ugliest, brokest guys in the club! It's the trufus! Sheet. I think she knows what Brown can do for her! Hahahahahahha I am laughing too hard now. I'll close with that. Goodnight all!

Emotional: happy
Physical: sleepy
look forward to RED DRAGON WITH EDWARD NORTON!!!!!!!!
movies: Death to Smoochy
people I don't respect: Maya and Jenny