This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Yo yo yo.. okay so get this. Hannah and I were like praying that we get some new hot guys at work, because Madstone is most def strugglin with the hotness of people (except for me of course) So tonight, this new guy started his name is Michael. Let me break it down for you. Michael was not what we were praying for. He's cool though. I mean I don't want to be mean, but he's strugglin' (as Mrs copley wold say, sheet, as I would say, and you know I am more important thatn her ass) anyways. Bridgette and them are going clubbing Friday. I can't go. I am not saying I WANT to go but I mean still. Yeah I might have a sleepover Friday night after Elvira. That would be hotness. Fun times for all! I am reading the hottest book, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. it is so hot. EVERYONE and their mom and brother should read that mess. Sheet. I SAW THE HOTTEST MOVIE IN MY WHOLE LIFE LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AW SHEET! I don't know how to explain it!!!!!!!! HOTNESS times like 2856784325422227867! hmmmmmmmm... what else is going on? Nothing I can think of, so I"ll end it there. OH YEAH! DASHBOARD! OCTOBER 6th! Hannah! Fun times! The Strokes, Nov. 4th (ish) FUN TIMES!!!!!!!! I can't wait!

Emotional: Pretty good
Physical: my eyes hurt
Thankful: a job
Look Forward to: Friday
Hope and Pray: QAF season 2 comes out soon (I don't want to wait till Nov.)
music: poPIMP!!!! I am addictited to that song. P-I-M-P-ology...
movie: WAKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disgusting:butter on popcorn