This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Saturday, September 14, 2002

Things I am going to talk about before I forget: Madstone (my co-workers, romances, etc), Elvira [going to pass out flyers, White Rabbit, The gay guys I had no clue who they were, buttons, etc...], Soccer (my three teams).. okay here goes:

Madstone: Man I love my job. It's just freaking awesome! The people I work with are just amazingly awesome. Let me go down the list. There's:
Chris Ward: He's really cool, he really likes deep conversations, and music. He is all about some veganism. He's awesome to talk to, and it was really funny when he misplaced his car key.
Chris Gentry: He's a character. Everyone is 'dawg' in his book, that cracks me up. He's had an awesome life, well, the life of a band trying to make it, he's gone through it all. That's hotness to me. He's quiet though.
Chad (a.k.a Chadwick, Chadley, Sherman): He is the man. He is a funny character. he, Becky and I had some fun times tonight. I am laughing just thinking about it. We are like the three Caballeros.
GREG: GREG is the best popcorn maker in the world. He's about to get married, and he's extremely nice. He cracks me up. We don't play with eating some baked goods though. Shoot.
Steve: He's the head projectionist. He's cool, I don't really talk to him much, b/c he is doing his thing in the projection booth upstairs.
Nathan F. He is the manager, who can always keep a straight face, and he's nice too. He's so sarchastic, and he's down to earth too. He is a funny one.
Hitesh: I have worked with Hitesh only a few times, but he's a cool guy. He's smart, and he is ready and willing to talk about some religion, so I've heard. He hasn't talked to me about it.. I wonder why. I should bring it up, b/c I could talk about it all day.
Michael: He's the new guy. He used to work at disney, as TIGGER (how cool is that?!?) Fun times on the real.
Jeff: He's awesome. He graduated from NYU (awesome times like 2345) and is all about some film. Fun times for him. He likes a certain girl that works at Madstone (I didn't say anything)
now for the girls!
Paul: The New manager. He knows some indie movies. He went to NYU also, and is moving here from Denver (wow what a trip). He's cool
Becky: That is my ACE! We have some fun times whenever we work. I can't wait to watch Elvira with er tomorrow night. Fun times. We can talk about some stuff too. We laugh and laugh and laugh all day. She hates it when people touch her. That cracks me up. BECKY just cracks me up. sheet.
Christy(ie): She is really smart, and loves to read (most people at Madstone do). She can make her some coffee drinks. shoot. (well she does work at starbucks) she's really easy to talk to also
Hannah Banana: My best friend at work. We do have some fun times. Like today. That girl. She is a character. I can't even say. You know like everyone likes her too. That's what cracks me up. Easpecially some Matt Gronke.. haha he doesn't work there anymore. HOLLA BACK!!!!!!!!
Erika: She's my girl too. I didn't know that it was possible be like close and be able to chill with managers. She's awesome. I mean she's down to earth, and she's extremely smart (she's a lawyer).
Barbierah: It's really Barbra, but you knwo I like me some nicknames. Hahah. anyways, Barbre is good at her job, and she's really nice too. It's really funny to see her get excited about stuff. I mean she really gets worked up over some stuff! I can't give examples right now, because I have gone on waay longer than I expected talking about my co-workers. I hope I dind't forget anybody. Oh yeah, that new guy, I forgot his name, not Phill (well I forgot him too, but he's cool, but I don't know what his official title is) well anyways, since I don't know him, (the new proj. guy) I can say he's really cool. Fun times for all!

Elvira: Let me tell you, I hope tomorrow night has a better turnout that tonight, but I mean tonight wasn't bad.. the people that came were really nice and stuff, so I had bunches of fun times. Hannah and I passed out Flyers today.. that's all I'll say about that. Holla back! Fun times! Smoothies and stuff... then we went to White Rabbit, it's a bookstore, and Hannah had never been there before.. I think I corrupted her. She was exposed to a little too much! It was fun though. Well back to the theater.. we were soo busy today.. oh my gosh. like One Hour Photo must be the movie! I have already seen it, but dang! People left and right were all about that mess. It beat out My Nig fat Greek Wedding, and that NEVER happens! it's the first time ANY movie (besides Devdas the first night) has beaten it! Fun times for all! I predicted it too! Yeah so when Elvira time comes around.. there was a magician, who was awesome by the way... and there were these three gay guys there... They walked in and were like Are you Christopher? I was like yeah.. I had never seen them in my life! I was a little scared. Sheet. haha it was fun though. I was all about passing out some buttons. We have these Elvira buttons, with her boobies on them! They are funny! I wore two of them. Each one over my nipples. Hahaha. That is some FUN Times! Enough of that

Soccer time! This is a bad update. Two out of my three teams (Liverpool. Manchester United, and Newcastle) lost on Wednesday. You know I had to watch the games. Man. U. and Newcastle lost. That's okay, they still have strong teams. Liverpool had a draw (tie). I suggest they pick up thier game, all of them. sheet. That is some sad times, to see your teams loose. I am all about some EPL soccer though. I don't play, I take it to the field (well really the TV, but that's okay). Haha. Man Fun times! I have a headache, and this blog is forever long, so I'll stop now, here are some little closers

Physical: tired, and I have a headache
look forward to: work (the Elvira part), and seeing Maya tomorrow
dreading: work
movies: A Clockwork Orange, and One Hour Photo
saying: HOLLA BACK NOW YES PLEASE (let me stop)

Peace people.