This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Monday, September 09, 2002

okay yeah. I know it's been forever and a day. I was boycotting blogger, because my freaking archives just freaking dissapeared. I am still mad at that, and it's been almost a month. anyways, I just wanted to say this, although I'm sure most people don't want to read this, so if you don't just skip to the other parenthesis okay?! (On the date of my last blog {8-15} marked a whole like 100 days of my not masturbating. Yaay for that. I don't know why that's exciting, but yeah it's a pretty big feat for us guys) anyways, yeah. So I was in Orlando this past weekend, to visit school, it wasn't all bad. I'll leave it there. Well I have to say one thing. I say the BEAT short ever. It was called hypoestesia. AW SHEET IT WAS OFF THE CHAIN! It was made by last year's graduates of the school I am going to. It was awesome. Enough about that. Yeah so not a whole lot has gone on... I got assigned to publicize this movie that Madstone is getting on Fri. 13. Called Elvira.. it'll be fun times, but I have to find a drag queen. Sheet!!! WTF!?!?!? I don't know any freaking drag queens! yeah anyways, nor for shoutouts, b/c I don't know what else to say.

Maya~ You are my girl! I am so sorry that I couldn't go to JM, but you know how that goes. I can't wait for this weekend, b/c we will have some fun times. MARIO! Break it down! I don't respect you! Sheet, and beadspread! OUR GIRL CJH!!!!!!!!! ahahhaha

Jenny~ Sorry to you too about JM. I can't wait till you come back, even if it is on Oct. That'll be okay. I hope I can survive. You are my J.Crew girl. fun times for us.

Hannah~ WHat did I tell you about JEFF?!?! I told you from the beginning that he liked you. He is a catch though, although he maynot be the hottest, he has a brain, and appreciates life (that was so corny)

rest of ya'll~ love ya! Peace out till tomorrow!
