YO YO YO! This is a special blog from Florida, land of nice beaches, and Islands of Adventure. I am in Lakeland now, just got here from four beautiful, fun, marvelous, wonderful, land of hotness people (and A$$ ugly ones), New Syrmna Beach. It's right south of Daytona, and nicer. Yeah, I am talking online to all of my Cary peeps, and Maya isn't even online. I am mad at that. I have to change my last blog too. hahha fun times. It's going to be good!!! MAYA JUST GOT ON! you know I am whalling out! AWW SHOOKY SHOOKY! HEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!! Well I don't know what else to write so I'll see ya!
Emotional: Giddy
Physical: Hyper
Thankful: FLORIDA
Look Forward to: Fun times
Hope: i get to go to Islands of Adventure
Music: That one talk show here that cracks me up!
Movie: California (I think we are about to watch it)
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