I am having a good day. Possibly because of my dreams. I have no idea what they were about, but they had to have been good for me to wake up like this. Brad is all moved in. I don't know about that.. his friend Ernie is over, and talk about a really cute boy. Ernie does not look bad, but his name is Ernie. He's extremely smart, but waaay too arrogant. Brad did get a peice of my mind last night. Rohan and I are going to do my project tonight! Yaay! During it we're going to see Scott (with whom I have a semi-date.. it's not official.. yet..). Margaret Cho is coming April 2nd to Northwestern, talk about fun times. Olivia can get me tickets. For cheap. Awesome. I need to call her to get a ticket for Scott. Hmm what else? Ben and I are kosher. Not like kosher kosher, but we're better. Yaay for that. Math sucked. I'm going to see Scott tonight, with Rohan. We're going to his place of biz. I am still doing this damn project. Talk about ghetto times. I am making today's posts all one paragraph. I guess that's it.
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