i just remembered the dream i had about becky and nathan. they lived in chicago. how extremely fun times. well here is the dream:
Rohan, Scott, some other guy who reminds me of a mix between brad and ernie but looks like John, and I were all going out to get some food. Suddenly, we see backy and Nathan, walking down the street, holding hands. Nathan looks about 80 feet tall, and becky looks smaller than a munchkin. She looks like she's his daughter, making 5 steps to his every one, trying to keep up. i see them, and it brightens my day, because other than Scott, everyone is getting on my nerves. So, Beckylicious asks us to join them for dinner. I said "I don't have any money, so that's okay." Everyone else, knowing they have no money, but thinking I do, say "okay". Since they said okay, I ran back to my new apartment to get some money (thinking there was $21 in it.. there wasn't). I only had three dollars. So, becky, said "guys, ya'll don't have to worry about money, Nathan will pay!" I was like "no, that's not right". the others were like okay, I want blah blah blah. Then some other girl who I've never seen came along, and ew. So Nathan comes back (he went somewhere for a minute) and said. Let's make this a democracy. Raise your hands if you have no money, and I have to pay for you. Okay, raise your hands if you have some money, and I have to get the rest of you (I didn't raise my hand either time, because I wasn't going to order, just sit and converse... I'm good at that). Then Nathan corners me, and was says, "how many bucks do you have"? I say, "I have thr.. I have bucks". he says "I'm paying for you, and you don't have a choice". He said it really nicely, like he wanted to pay for me, but not everyone else (well except Becky of course) I felt bad, because I knew he didn't want to pay for everyone.
Then Brad woke me up. Damn him. I wanted to know what was going to happen. I have no idea, now that I think about it what the whole democracy thing was, but hey, it was a dream. who cares.
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