This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Today was so wonderful, it seems like it sucked all of the good out of tomorrow. I shouldn't say that. knock on wood.

~I woke up (I slept over at Jonathan and Chris's last night)
~I remembered I left my train card in my bag, which was at Eddie and Scott's, so I had no money to get on the train...
~I was walking to the train, and I saw a whole bag of chips, that had not been opened. That was breakfast (I didn't eat at all yesterday)
~I got to the train station, and hoped there was enough money on my train card to get me on.
~There wasn't.
~I saw a beat-up transfer card.
~I hoped it would work.
~It did. One minute later, and I would have been up a creek without a paddle.
~The screening of Notorious (hitchcock) was AMAZING today. The students were so responsive.
~My internship was awesome.
~I got a date for Saturday
~Dan Jackman invited me to the Opera tonight.
~I went.
~Death in Seville by Benjamin Britten.
~Now I'm back here
~I haven't eaten since those chips, but I just noticed that.
~Typing to you.
~Thanks for a great day!