AWWW SHEE SHEE! Maya Kimberley Budihardjo. Man.. That is my girl to no utter end. Man. I respect her soo much but then I don't. Aw shee shee. I don't even know what to say. ERIC!!! Get it girl, but don't get it at the same time! Holler. Well about my day. Remember how my manager told me to dress cute, well I did, and I looked soo hot, BUT THE DISTRICT MANAGER DIDN'T COME IN! I didn't respect. This is what I wore: brown leather pants (which matched my Steve MAdden's perfectly) my camel colored shirt from Express, my new GAP jacket with the wool in it. It was soo hot. Man. I respected myself. There is this ugly a$$ black guy at the mall who always hits on me, but I don't give him the time of day. Hell no one would. He is not kosher. Oh yes, The FedEx man came again today. Man he does NOT look bad at all. I think he winked at me. Yeah right. I wish. I would FOTS. Amen. Well, I gotta go for now, I'll write more laters. Oh yes, I am feeling much better today for some reason. I had an AWESOME sleep last night. Just fun times! I have a feeling that tonight is going to be stressful. Josh Groban and Dawson's come on, and I don't know what to do. That is sad times. I think I have to cry now. Okay Noise in.
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