I worked at Wilson's today. It was long, but fun times! Man! I had YET ANOTHER dream last night. It was NOTHING like the last one, it wasn't as good. Man. Let me break it down.
Not as good as 2 nights ago dream:
So my mom and I had just gotten back from shopping. I didn't get a dern thing. Yeah, so my mom got beeped up on her Nextel, saying there was a call three streets from where we were (how they knew where we were, I do not know). so my mom SLAMS on the breaks, so she could turn around. She turns on the sirens and lights (we don't have them in real life, but yeah), and go to the location. The call comes in as "a female, aprox. 40 has a possible boken neck". Her son was the one who dialed 911, and we were the first on the site. My mom begins to asses the patient and I go and find the kid who calls in. When I got to the room, it's a 17 or 18 year old kid who's just sitting in his room. He says it's his fault. b/c she slipped on one of his socks, so he felt obligated to call 911. He wasn't sad or anything. So I just sat there, until the real ambulance came. My mom decided to go on the ambulance, leaving me with this boy. I don't know really what happened after that, but it was weird times, and it sucked compared to 2 nights ago. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
The End
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