I must say that I was just totally embarrassed by a certain lady today. Laet week, she came in, and we had a marvelous conversation. She told me her name and everything, and I wrote mine down for her. She game me the name of a guy I must talk to when I get to Chicago, and one for a summer job next year. She remembered my name and everything, and I couldn't think of her name for the life of me. Golly gee. She really got on me for it too. She just changed my life. I am now going to remember people's names. It's sad. alwaus always will I reamember names. It's an important lesson. You never know when you are going to need help, or a job, or anything. She really hit home. Her name is Ash? (I can't even remember it after that long old conversation. Damn I suck.)
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