Oh my goodness. OKay so get this my computer was so screwey last night. It's actually kinda funny, because I am posting this blog (from the computer at work) before I post the one that I wrote last night. I saved it on Word, so I can just copy/paste it when I get online. It's sunday, and Brazil won the World Cup, 2-0 extremely sad, b/c I was going for Germany, but Brazil has an excellent team so I'm not mad, just sad. The Junior Highers and the interns come back this evening from the mountains, and that's exciting, because I can't wait for the stories my brother will tell me. I still remember my mountain trips from when I was in Jr. highs. Man those were the times. I am reminessing (I totally misspelled that last word). I still have a huge crush on X. i was straight up drawing some X's all through Sunday School. Speaking of Sunday school, no one that I usually go with (Sarah, Maya, Bridgette) were at church today. Now that is some sad times too. Extrememly sad times. So I went to Sr. High Sunday school, instead of college sunday school. More sad times: so at work, in like 2 weeks, there will be like no more original staff, except for Me, Jessie, and Greg. Everyone else is leaving for grad school, or some other life adventure, so we have to hire a million and one more new people. That's good, because I can get some of my freinds jobs here. Yaay fun times. I love soccer. My kids are going to play, starting at the age of 2. Man I love that sport, I just wish I could play. I'm sure I could, but there's no way I would ever get really good, like Oliver Khan, or Brian McBride, or DeMarcus Beasley, or Landon Donnovan. or John O Brien, but that's okay. Well I have to leave work now, and go to youth group. YAAY FUN TIMES! Well I'll write later. signing off
Emotional: gitty
Physical: Hyper
Thankful: Toberlone chocolate
Look Forward to: youth group
Hope: I have an awesome time at the Beach
Movie: Bottle Rocket
Music: ??
Disgusting People's hair
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