TODAY (WELL THE 16th) IS MY MOM'S 40TH BRITHDAY! THAT'S EXCITING! WE ARE CELEBRATING ON FRIDAY! HAVING A HUGE BIRTHDAY BASH! YAAY FOR BIRTHDAYS! Yope. Just got back from Maya's. I had fun times. Sometimes I don't think people have as much fun as I do. I am all about Crystal's cell phone ring. It is so hotness. I want to break it down to that mess. I woke up this morning, and I took a look at my tongue. It was so nasty. There was a black spot over the ring, and brown like dried up blood all over my tongue. It all came off though. That means it's healing, which is s good thing. I also went to work today. It was fun, but boring. I was online like the whole time. We are getting an AWESOME movie on Friday! That makes me excited. It's called The Believer. It stars Ryan Gosling (an awesome actor), and it's about this Jew, who joins a Neo-Nazi group. So back to Maya's. We watched American Idol (the craziest show ever made), and chilled. Sarah talked to her boy, Tariq. That name crazks me up, but I don't want to judge b/c she obviously likes him, and I respect her opinion. Maya and I are the only ones without men. (whoops, I didn't mean to say that.. I meant without mates hehehe). I crack myself up. Yeah, sometimes, I think I am so obnoxious, that I tend to accidentally (well it's definitley not intentional, so I guess that's accidentally, so I'll just say unintentionally) ignore people. I mean Maya, for instance, was telling me about how Robbie had asked me a question, and I didn't even answer. That's crazy, b/c I hate it when people do that to me. Like for real. I do it without noticing. I am going to calm down. Anyways. Every girl, by the way, is about in love with some Robbie. (with slight exceptions, like Sarah, who ONLY likes her some brown skin. There is nothing wrong with that, but she sure does not like Robbie. Crystal has a b/f, and she likes him to much to like anyone else. Maya.. haha that is my girl! (naw, not like that, that is too nasty)) Okay well, yeah, everyone likes them some Robbie. That's good. Better him than me. I don't think I could deal with the grils from our church liking me. I would die. I am so mean sometimes, but I really don't have time for anyone. That sounds so bad, but at least I know where I stand. I am not going to persue a relationship, if I don't want to devote time or money. Right now, there is one person, whom I'd even consider dating. (That's person Z). Z. is so nice, and sweet (Z does not go to my church, so if someone from church reads this, you have no idea who I am talking about, except Maya) and good looking. Man, I have a huge crush, and I barely know Z. I know Z enough to like this person, but I would like to know Z more. I think I will get to know Z more this week. But for now, I am leaving. Write chu later!
Emotional: Fun times
Physical: my wrist hurts
Thankful: my mom
Look forward to: Friday
Hope: Z and me hook up
Music: Motown
Movie: The Believer
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