This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Monday, May 31, 2004



To Cut or not to cut,-- that is the question:--
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to grow
The threads and strands of outrageous nature
Or to take blade against a mass of hair,
And by opposing end them?

My readings for today are outstanding. I have a wonderful card, a great horoscpoe, and my motivational quote is great.

Why don't I feel great?

Maybe because I'm sick.

I have devised a new boys plan though. It should also help with my staring problem.

I can't look at a boy for more than 3 seconds, no matter how cute he is.

More rules to follow. I'm making this up as I go along.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Jump In!

I love today. I am having a good day. Not really because of anything, but just because.

On this day in history...

Four years after the United States won its independence from England, 55 state delegates, including George Washington, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin, convene in Philadelphia to compose a new U.S. constitution.

My Card for today...

The Basic Meaning of the Four of Hearts

The Four of Hearts is a sign of protection in love, marriage and family. It represents one's marriage and the foundation of love upon which a family and life can be built. The Four of Hearts is usually considered a good influence, especially for a happy family and social life. You may even turn down offers of love at those times when you are feeling so fulfilled in the areas of friendship and romance. If you are single, the Four of Hearts as the Result or Venus Card is a strong indicator of marriage.
The Four of Hearts can also speak about your home and family and things going on in these areas. It represents, at its most basic level, the foundation of love upon which all of our other relationships are built. It is the home of the heart.

Saturday, May 22, 2004


Troy. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.

Excpet the men. I did love them. Oh yes.

The story could have been more true to Homer's. I was dissapointed in that. But then again Wolfgang Peterson... can't really say much about him. The movie could have been MUCH better, but it was good for what he wanted it to be.

Overall, a B.

And that's stretching it, only becauase I can't get over the costumes, the boys, and the beautiful women.

Harry Potter and Spider Man come out soon enough. Damn. I wish Tobey Maguire was my boyfriend

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Last Night!

She said...

Haha. Had to bring back the Strokes. Gotta love 'em. Hmmm. Yesterday, I offically moved basically all of my things into my new apartment. I have a key now, and Tarin and I rearranged like crazy yesterday. It actually feels like I live there. We had folks over, and it was fun times for all. It was really a great time.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I noticed today on the bus that as we get older, the number of things we keep to ourselves diminishes. Basically, our opinions. Yes, there is a time in everyone's life when we say everything that is on our minds ie; when we are young, and naive. Then, we realize that we really should keep certain thoughts to ourselves, because those very thoughts can get us into trouble, or hurt someone, potentially damaging relationships. So, we begin to tell white lies. Little truths to hide what we are really feeling, and our real thoughts, because no one wants those to be exposed. If our thoughts are exposed, therefore, so are we. Worth is placed on how well we get along with others. It doesn't matter wether or not we value the relationship, we keep that to ourself, just to 'get along' with our peers. Anyways, I don't know where I was going with that, but back to the bus.

So I was on the bus today on my way to work, and I realized, that as folks get older, not to negate what I just said, but I mean significantly older, in the almost senile if not already there age, they tend to not care about keeping their opinions to themselves. Today, on the bus there where a number passengers of the elderly nature, and for some reason, there is something inside of them that doesn't care about opinions. They will voice whatever is on thier mind. For instance: One gentleman, I shall refer to his name is Bill, got on the bus, and stood right next to me. Bill had a hard time getting on the bus this morning, because the busses were running late, and there happend to be consideribly more people than the average. As Bill got on the bus, he had to iterate to everyone on the bus standing, how they could

Monday, May 17, 2004


This is my horoscope for today:
"Take the opportunity to discuss important issues with close friends, relatives or your lover. Lots can be dealt with if you blurt out exactly how you feel or what you want."

This is my card of the day:
The Jack of Hearts is known as the 'Christ Card', or the 'Card of Spiritual Sacrifice'. Whenever it is present, you will feel and be encouraged to elevate your thinking, speaking and acting to a higher level. You may also decide to make some sort of personal sacrifice when this influence is present. This would likely be for the sake of someone younger than yourself though it can take other forms. The period position will delineate the exact nature of the sacrifice you feel impelled to make.
In any case, this card does bring a strong dose of higher, spiritual love into our lives and will encourage us to do things from a higher motive than usual.

And the motivational quote for the day:
"The soul is healed by being with children."
-- Fyodor Dostoyevski

Saturday, May 15, 2004

The last post I created didn't publish, so whateer.

I am so tired, I haven't slept in 2 days. I know it's not good, but hey. Gotta do what you gotta do.

My throat hurts. I'm prolly getting sick.

I had a horrible night tonight.

Tops off my horrible week.

I almost got hit by a car today. literally it stopped an inch in front of me. Weird thing is, my life didn't flash before my eyes, or anything. I was like oh. There's a car. it's going to hit me. I felt nothing afterwards. No rush of adrenaline, nothing. I think that's sad.

What else happend today? Well, let's recap. I was outside all day passing out call for entries forms for my internship. All over the city. Walking. In the rain. It was not hot outside. No no no.

Then. I went to my 1212 apartment. Talk about awkward. I mean I haven't been there in a week (well 5 days) and I know money is due, but basically, to put it simple, I can't afford it. I'm working on it. Hard. Really hard. I packed up some of my things, because I was supposed to be staying either at my other place with Jenelle this weekend, and if Jenelle was ok with staying by herself, then I was going to go to E-town with Jonathan, because I haven't seen him in a while. Well, Jenelle and I made plans to meet at the house at 10, because she wanted to have people over. I told her I would be there. Rohan and I showed up at 9:30. Come 10:30 no one was to be found. I spend my last few dollars making phone calls. Jenelle decided to spend the night at her parents house, leaveing me up the creek without a paddle. I called Jonathan. they wouldn't let me. I tried to use my credit card (well this one is debit) and the first time it worked, but not the second. I hate phones. Well, basically, I'm back here at 1212, not wanting to go upstairs, for lack of confrontation. I just want to sleep. I don't want to talk to anyone, see anything, I just want to strip to my socks and sleep. I want someone to cuddle with, but tonight, that's too much to ask.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004


So I have decided I'm going to become a vegetarian again. I also realized how much in debt I am. It's quite scary. I can get out though. Well, hopefully. Pray.

Speaking of debt, my friends and I started a weekly poker night. Haha. More ways to spend money. At least it's with people I trust, and we don't play with insane amounts of cashola. It was fun. Last night we stayed up until 5 in the morning playing, and talking, and the whole sorts.

What else?

ROBBIE SWEET is getting married. Haha. Let's not even start down that path. I can't believe it. It's crazy how fast we all grow up. It really is.

what else to catch up on? Oh the other night I was so pissed at Jenelle and Tarin. They were supposed to wait for me at the house so I could drop off rent before they went to the bar, and they did wait, but CTA was a little ghetto. It's all good though. I am not mad. I don't even know why I was mad. Yes I do. I had a really bad day that day. I am almost moved in. Now I just have to get situated.

I'm about to go to the movies with Jason. I think we're going to see Eternal Sunshine.

I need to call my family. Oh yes, and I like this new Blogger interface.

What else? I miss home like bad, especially now that it's getting warmer... But Helena just got a HOT new convirtible, so that means we are going to be the hottest things in Chicago this summer when PRIDE comes. I don't even LIKE pride. It'll be fun though. Hell yes.

OH yes, Jamba Juice rocks my socks.

I love this city. Hate being poor, love the city. email me your address, and I'll send you a personalized letter telling of all my rampages and escapades. With my new letterhead from Cinema/Chicago. Fun times for all. email that one, and then I'll send you my other email address, that I actually do all of the sending from.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Today was so wonderful, it seems like it sucked all of the good out of tomorrow. I shouldn't say that. knock on wood.

~I woke up (I slept over at Jonathan and Chris's last night)
~I remembered I left my train card in my bag, which was at Eddie and Scott's, so I had no money to get on the train...
~I was walking to the train, and I saw a whole bag of chips, that had not been opened. That was breakfast (I didn't eat at all yesterday)
~I got to the train station, and hoped there was enough money on my train card to get me on.
~There wasn't.
~I saw a beat-up transfer card.
~I hoped it would work.
~It did. One minute later, and I would have been up a creek without a paddle.
~The screening of Notorious (hitchcock) was AMAZING today. The students were so responsive.
~My internship was awesome.
~I got a date for Saturday
~Dan Jackman invited me to the Opera tonight.
~I went.
~Death in Seville by Benjamin Britten.
~Now I'm back here
~I haven't eaten since those chips, but I just noticed that.
~Typing to you.
~Thanks for a great day!

Monday, May 03, 2004


CANCER (June 21-July 22): Though he wrote almost five centuries ago, comic novelist François Rabelais provided the perfect advice for you this week: "It behooves all adventurers to treat their good luck with reverence, neither bothering nor upsetting it." In other words, Cancerian, don't spend even a minute wondering why your life is blessed with so much grace right now. Refrain from analyzing it, discoursing about it, or theorizing on how you might be able to preserve it. Instead, use it exuberantly and with a devout sense of gratitude. Explore in vivid detail what it feels like to be a freewheeling adventurer.

All this and more from

Saturday, May 01, 2004