This is me.

The ramblings. Take them to heart.

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

I totally forgot about the vodka and the rum I had stashed away. 3 bottles. Margaritas for everyone! We have fun times, and strawberries? Where's the blender?!?!?! FUN TIMES!

(this one is prob. my last post)

Jenny should come over.

Yaay fun times. I had weok then went to McAllister's (for the second time today. Lunch with Crystal, and dinner with Maya.). Loverboy was there. We can't tell who he was hitting on today. A little bit of both. Well, I'm waiting for Sarah to get here. Maya is already here, and we are going to call Cristina. Then fun times for us tonight. I hope and pray ABC is still open, so my mom can get some alchie. Then fun times for all, and their mom's. We decided to chill over here, and have fun times. So now, I can watch MTV, and still be with my freinds! Holler for me! I didn't even have to ask them. They just decided to chill over here! fun times for all! and everyone has to sleep over, so even more fun times! Oh shee shee! I respect! Oh yes, and by the way, the is probablly going to be the last post of 2002! Wow! that's so exciting and weird at the same time. My graduation year is over. Now it's on to a new year, and new stuff in my life. Hmm. I wonder what the upsoming year's blogs will be like? OHHH see. It's exciting just thinking about it

Sad News. My mom just called, and ABC closed half an hour ago at 8:30. They couldn't even stay open until nine. That makes me sad, but SARAH IS HERE! YAAY! This blog is ddicated to Sarah Marie Cheek.

Went to daddy's (mein fati) tonight for dinner. We played some Phase 10. I won. FUN TIMES. Christian just got off the computer, so it's my turn now. I need some dreams. Some GOOD ones. Just thought I'd like to share. I am 95% sure of my new year's plans. MTV pajamy party. It will be fun, despite what people say. I am too tired to write anything. This blog is dedicated to Jacob Thure Wick, because he's extremely awesome, and always right. His hotness exceeds the most beautiful of people. He's just a great guy, and I've never met him (well not yet).

Monday, December 30, 2002

Just got home from Jenny's. We had fun times, and saw her extremely cuteness puppy. It's a terrier/poodle, and it's only 3.5 pounds! Awww! Then we played some Phase 10. you know that is the game. Crystal won. Stephen, Jenny's little bro played with us. He's in third grade, and he's like awww! I wish I had him as my brother! He's rowdy at times too. I had to help him out (I cheated so he could do well) but it was all in fun times. Then we played UNO. We played two games of uno and it took about forever and a day. Justin Timberlake was the background music. Talk about some fun times. Maya stepped in the puppy's poo poo. Hahah I about died. It was just a fun night. This blog is dedicated to Stephen Bajorek, b/c he's the man.

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Just got back from church. Maya and I decided to go to some Sunday School. Haha. Wowsers. I swear there were some Omish people there. or is it Amish? I sure don't know. In Sunday School, the lesson was on worship, and songs, basically hymns. I didn't see how some of those verses we read pertained to his lesson, other than having the word 'worship' in them. Today was the lasy Sunday of the year. I haven't been to church in about three months, and I decided to go today. I guess my main incentive was to see my college friends, which one (yes one and that was Jenny) was there. Hmm. Saw Mr. Sweet and his girlfriend Lydia. She seems like a cool gal. Wish I knew her. They seem good together. It was awesome seeing Robbie, haven't seen him since August. He's doing great, so I think. I also saw Jordan Bostrom, who was in Romania for four months. He loves America now. He says you don't know how awesome it is until you have been somewhere like Romania. Romania is where all the gymnists come from. They rock. I love the Olympics. It's almost 2003. What a year ahead of me. I need some moola. I have a deposit to send into Columbia, but have not the funds to do it with. Sad times. I need to find some funds. I'm thinking prostitution, but I just made this pact. Stupid me. I should have waited until after I got to Chicago to start it. Now I can't make easy moola. Well there's always drug dealing, I guess. But I'd snif, shoot up, smoke, etc. them all before I sold them, and that wouldn't be a good thing. Shit. A high nigga pie drug dealer. I think I'm funny sometimes. Oh yes, I am going to be like Becky and dedicate this blog to someone special. This Blog goes out to all the anal rapists out there. Ya'll do ya'lls thang. You hold your shit. Get it. I respect ya'll. Someday I want to be you, but I can't for various reasons. I'm going to have anal rapists in my movies. Holler to the AR's.

This is my favorite song. It puts me in a mood I can't explain. I want to cry, laugh, and jump for joy at the same time. It's so cheesy, but there's an unexplainable something this song brings to me.

Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night
It's only right
To think about the girl you love
And hold her tight
So happy together

If I should call you up
Invest a dime
And you say you belong to me
And ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be
So very fine
So happy together

I can't see me loving nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me
Baby the skies will be blue
For all my life

Me and you
And you and me
No matter how they tossed the dice
It had to be
The only one for me is you
And you for me
So happy together

Me and you
And you and me
No matter how they tossed the dice
It had to be
The only one for me is you
And you for me
So happy together

Me and you
And you and me
No matter how they tossed the dice
It had to be
The only one for me is you
And you for me
So happy together
So happy together
How is the weather
So happy together
We're happy together
So happy together...

Saturday, December 28, 2002

The following are my New Year's options. I am trying to weigh the pros and con's of each to see what I am going to do:

ONE: Go to a party with Maya.
Pros: I'll be with Maya, and I'll get to drink.
Cons: All of the people there will be Maya's friends, and I don'tknow them all too well, if at all.

TWO: Go to Madston'es New Year's party
Pros: I like the people at Madstone
Cons: I can't bring people, and I most def. can't drink. (not that drinking is everything)

THREE: Go to Legends
Pros: Tropical Theme, 90% naked people, Will have fun, Free gifts, most likely can drink before and after party.
Cons: Maya doesn't want to go. She will go to Legends, but not on New Year's. It will be EXTREMELY crowded.

FOUR: MTV Pajama Party
Pros: I'll be at home, with MTV, in my Jammies.
Cons: I doube it if people will join me, and people won't respect me (but I could care less about that part)

Five: (well this really isn't an option, b/c I'm not doing it, I am just putting it) Go to a Club (most likely Treehouse) with whoever.
Pros: I'll be with my freinds, and semi-good music
Cons: I won't get any, or drink, or respect myself, and the crowd factor.

I know whichever I decde to do, I will turn it into a fun times event, but I have to pick one. I am all for any (except the last one, number 5)

This is the last weekend of 2002. Weirdness. I needed to say that.

Friday, December 27, 2002

Man. I don't resepct the Disney Channel. Okay, enough of that. I had a pretty decent day today. I met Emmanuel. Didn't talk long. Gave him tickets, and he was off. No good dreams. Went to the station tonight with my mom for a few minutes. Had fun with Chief anc Charles. I still don't know what I am doing for New Year's. I need to figure something out. I just might go to Legends, if Crystal and Maya and others decide to go to a different club. We'll see by Monday. That's it for now.

Thursday, December 26, 2002

I worked at Wilson's today. It was long, but fun times! Man! I had YET ANOTHER dream last night. It was NOTHING like the last one, it wasn't as good. Man. Let me break it down.

Not as good as 2 nights ago dream:

So my mom and I had just gotten back from shopping. I didn't get a dern thing. Yeah, so my mom got beeped up on her Nextel, saying there was a call three streets from where we were (how they knew where we were, I do not know). so my mom SLAMS on the breaks, so she could turn around. She turns on the sirens and lights (we don't have them in real life, but yeah), and go to the location. The call comes in as "a female, aprox. 40 has a possible boken neck". Her son was the one who dialed 911, and we were the first on the site. My mom begins to asses the patient and I go and find the kid who calls in. When I got to the room, it's a 17 or 18 year old kid who's just sitting in his room. He says it's his fault. b/c she slipped on one of his socks, so he felt obligated to call 911. He wasn't sad or anything. So I just sat there, until the real ambulance came. My mom decided to go on the ambulance, leaving me with this boy. I don't know really what happened after that, but it was weird times, and it sucked compared to 2 nights ago. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

The End

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Hello. I decided not to write in my blog yesterday for many reasons. I was not in the best mood. It wasn't caused by anything at all, I was just down and out. I still am, but I'm not nearly as bad as yesterday for two reasons: One: I had one of the best dreams ever (I'll write about that later) and Two: I saw Josh Groban. It was the re-run Ally McBeal Christmas special, but I still saw it, and Josh Groban was in it, so it made my day instantly. I know that's pretty sad, but I don't care. I'm glad something made my day. I have just haven't been myself. I mean luckily I can act, because Christmas would have been major suckeroo for my family, and I can't have them in bad moods just because of me. That would have been not fun times. Yeah, so too bad I didn't get a thing on My Christmas list. There were three things on it (well Josh Groban doesn't count) and I got none of the three. That's just a little depressing. I mean I know they are expensive, but golly. Just one of three isn't bad. I purposly *sp* asked for NO clothes, b/c I have plenty for now, and I wanted other stuff. What did I get? Clothes. I know, I shouldn't be mad or upset, but I am slightly, because I got everyone in my family what they wanted. I mean I went aginst my own promise to not spend money to get it. I cleared my bank account. This is what I got: Polo Blue (yes, I wanted it, but not for Chirstmas) Clothes, an earring, Death to Smoochy, and Minority Report, which we watched like Friday (they were like this is one of your presents.. how sad.). Okay let me stop sulking, and tell about my dream, this will make everything better.

my Hotness of hot:
It started off at a beach. We had a terrier, like Toto, but it's name was Trixie. Trixie was digging a SUPER hole. I mean damn, this whole was huge, in circumference, and depth (this plays an integral part in the dream later). We were having much fun at the beach, and soon, a huge crowd encircled Trixie, and the marvel she was creating. She had cheers, and it started a huge commotion. A guy told us Trixie had to stop that instant, and the hole needed to be covered or else it would start an unpleasant situation. Of course, we didn't comply, and let Trixie keep about her business. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. This was a great day. When I opened my eyes..

There was a war. I don't know who was fighting who, but my team was fighting the bad guys. So everyone was fighting, and no longer were we on the beach. It was night, and all you could see for miles was smoke, and light from the barrels of guns all around. I was running around, not knowing what to do. There was rumor going around the grounds of a safe place which was neutral, and could not be touched by either side. No one could get inside, but those in could go out as they pleased, it was a mansion which housed the unknown. No one knew who was in there, but everyone knew something was in there. The owner/leader/head of the "neutral zone" came out to talk to my dad, who I guess was the leader of my side. I couldn't hear everything they said, but I heard the words, "you have men in there that can fight" and 'I'll see what I can do, but I can't help your side without helping the other side". Then he left. The man was about 6'2, had brown hair, brown eyes, and a good smile. We could tell he was protecting what was in that household. All of a sudden I heard the words, GET OFF OF THE GROUND! So I ran to the nearest tree, and climbed it. From the tree, I saw a red light which quickly spread across the ground. Everyone whose feet were touching the ground, instantly lost their feet from the light. it chopped them right off. Anything not a person was not effected. It only travled on grass. It stopped when contacting cement, sand, etc. This was definatley a tactic from the other team to quickly eliminate mine. I ran to check on my brother and sisters. Another wave of red went out. I hopped onto a car, where I was safe. I stayed until it passed, then made sure my siblings were safe. They were. I had it stuck in my mind about the 'neutral zone' so I decided to go check it out, or try to get in somehow. I ran over to the hole Trixie made (how I suddenly got back to the beach, I do not know). I went in it, and began to dig my way deeper. I stopped at a certain point, and began to dig back up twords the surface. When I saw the sky, I knew I was getting somewhere. I peered out, and I was 50 feet in the air, above a pool of water. The left side porch (it was a wraparound) of the house was about three feet from the edge of the water, so I dove into the water. I swam to the end, the whole time the red waves passing by. I couldn't get onto the porch without going to the front of the house, so I sprinted to the house, and up the stairs. I knocked on the door, waited about a minute, and the door opened.

I walked into the house, I wasn't invited in, I just walked in. I was greeted by the leader of the house, and he said; "welcome, our house is yours". I was surprised. I was still extremely wet from swimming, so I went to the third floor (I don't know why, I just couldn't stop going up the stairs). All the people in the house were looking at me, and I just waved at them. They all smiled at me, and waved back. The third floor was closed off by a door. I reached out to open it, but someone was on the other side, about to come down the stairs. He was the first person to really greet me, besides the owner. HEY! he said. Come on up! You're wet, he said. He took my umbrella (i don't know how or why I had one, but I just noticed I had one when he took it). He told me to relax in the shower, and he wanted to hear all of my stories when I woke up from sleeping. He gave me clothes to change into, and there was a bed for me. I took a shower, and it was great. The way the water fell out of the gold shower head was unlike anything I have felt before. I finished my shower, and I had a HUGE urge to eat, because it had been three days since my last meal. I went back downstairs and everyone was extremely nice to me, and I was instantly part of the "family". I did notice something. Every teanant was a guy. That was weird. They weren't gay though, they were all just nice, and hot. It was nice. Actually the only gay one was the one that greeted me, and he was the hottest too. Well, we stayed up the next three days just talking. I didn't even need to sleep. I never felt tired, I just wanted more conversation. He was like filling a void that I had. Whenever I felt tired, the subject of the conversation changed, and I was no longer tired. That was the void he was filling, well not just him, but the whole house. No one slept. Yes, they rested, but there were no naps longer than an hour. I was so attracted to that guy, and he to me. We didn't have sexuals, but we held hands forever, and it was just great. It was so awesome. We went outside on the back porch, and saw the war was over.

I had the urge to find my siblings, but I knew they were alright. They came around the corner, and they were healthy and refreshed. They still had on their ratty clothes though. I went to them, and told them about the time I spent in the house. They were like "what are you talking about" you were only there one night. Yet, I looked younger, and they older. It was incredible. I invited them into the house, and they came in, but weren't at ease. They didn't like it at all. Then, all of a sudden all of these girls showed up. There was a change in atmosphere. No longer was everything perfect and clean, but it's like I could feel thoughts of attraction, thought which were never experienced by those guys. Instantly, the doors were locked, and names were taken. ....


That's where it ended. Man. I want to go back to sleep just so see what is going to happen next. Too bad I'll probablly never ever have a sequel to that dream. Maybe I can make a story out of this someday? That would be kind of funny. No one would ever know. That's how Ray Bradbury makes his stories. They are all dreams. Well most of them. That's kind of hotness. Haha. Well, It's off to do nothing! See ya, my faithful little bloggeroo.

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Hey hey hey! Man. What a day filled with ups and downs. *singing* Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. *stops singing* Okay. Well I woke up, put on my clothes, I had to work at Wilson's today. I couldn't find the shoes I wanted to wear, OR my belt. I never go without my belt. I was kinda pissed off, b/c I have like 5 belts, and couldn't find any of my black ones (can't wear a brown belt with black shoes or a black sweater). So, I wore a kinda big sweater (it got bigger), and grey pants. I was three minutes late for work, which is fine, b/c it was nine in the morning. I was perfectly on track to meeting my daily goal, until shoppers picked up around 11. There were SO many returns, it wasn't funny. I missed my goal because of them. I had to curse at every customer with a return. Well, in my head, that is. So I got off at one, and had to go to the bank, b/c the bank and I had a miscommunication, and we had to get the skraight, b/c I don't play with my money. After that, Crystal, Maya, and I went BACK to the mall, so Crystal could get Christian and Cam's presents. We saw Laquanna, someone I haven't seen in ages. We also saw Alex White (ahh). Took Maya home, and went back to the house where I found out that Catherine had run up my phone. The girl called about 17 times in 3 hours. That's a little extreme. My brother was kind of harsh to her today, he would do things like scream in the phone, slam it down, ask her not to call, play the baritone as loud as he could, etc. whenever she called and I wasn't there. Yes, that's wrong, but you have to understand my brother. When he says "Christopher's not here, he'll call you when he get's back" he expects that to be the end of it, and no more calls. Catherine didn't get that picture. Yeah, I'm sorry, but I feel bad for the girl. What can I say? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one she has. I shouldn't put that all on me, but damn, the girl depresses me. I tried to hook up her and a guy I met, Andrew, knowing it wouldn't work, simply b/c he wanted a date, and she needed someone else. They met tonight, and it was a bomb. Now I feel bad for Andrew for putting him through this mess. He said it's okay, but I know the truth. It's okay though. Let's see. After that, something told me to call Melissa. I knew she'd be home from college by now, and it just so happened that I reached her as she was walking out of the house to go shopping. So she came to pick me up, and we went shopping for her Christmas presents (this makes the THIRD time I was at the mall today). She got everyone something, but her dad, but she'll get that tomorrow. I mean we had fun, but it sure as heck wasn't fun times. I mean it wasn't the same. She didn't seem herself. Or was I not myself? I don't think the latter, b/c I am always myself, or at least I think so.. I mean I don't like to be fake. (I say "I mean" too much) It's just that something was missing. We talked about her, and the things she's doing in college, man she sure sounds bored, except for the two weekends she hung out with her uncle, which even those weren't awesome, but his house sure is. We got coffee (well I got Chai) and we talked. Not really about anything. Somthing was on her mind. She wasn't in the greatest mood. Was I? I don't know. I mean I was tired, but not that tired. What was wrong? I don't know. I'm hanging out with her again sometime, hopefully I can figure out something. It's just weird. She dropped me off at Cristina's at about 9:15, where her and Bridgette were waiting for me. I'm glad they got to hang out, b/c we (meaning me, maya, and bridgette) haven't gotten much one-on-one time with Cristina. It was nice for them. So I arrived, and of course, the fun started. Haha. All the people I called hadn't shown up yet, but you know I called them, and had some of Mrs. Rodriguez's cooking. That woman doesn't play. Man. I love Cristina's mom. I called Crystal, Jenny, Reid, Sarah (who couldn't come.. she was too tired, and had to work the early shift), and we knew Maya was at work, and would join us later. So for a while, it was Bridge, Cristina, and I, until Jenny joined us, for fun times, then Crystal, right behind her. It's funny. Jenny like shut up when Crystal got there. I mean they like each other, but they hadn't seen each other in a BA long time. Jenny wasn't herself tonight, well I didn't think so. I mean we all know she loves her some frat boys, and is quick to tell it, but I think she was just tired. Heck we all were, and you could tell. Jenny left aaround 11:30, leaving Crystal, Cristina, Bridgette, and Myself. We had some times of eating, laughing, and joking. We began to get worried about Maya, because she got off at 10, but hadn't returned my calls or anything. So I left like 500 messages. She called at 12, and she was pissed. I told her to just calm down, and head on over to Cristina's, where she could tell us all, and to drive carefully. She get's to 'stina's, and tells us of her woes at work (she didn't get out until 12) Not fun times. We had some more cookies, and chips, then played Scatigories. THAT WAS THE FUN TIMES. It was like the old group all together again. Cristina was getting tired, but she still finished the game, Maya won (she always wins, and I always come in second. I don't respect that). We left about 2:30. man. I am so glad that happened. It was so much fun. BOB CLINTON! This break is going to be awesome. I love my peoples. I hope they all have a merry Chrismas. I know they are all going to read this anyways. I love ya'll.

I just took a quiz on emmode and this is what it said:
Christopher, you're single because you don't want to settle

You, more than others, have a fairy tale fantasy of how things should be. Ever since you were a kid, you've probably dreamed of the perfect wedding, coming home to a white picket fence, dog, and 2.2 kids (how does that work, anyway?). When someone asks what you're looking for, you don't skip a beat: You're likely to have a handy checklist that details your perfect partner. Hair and eye color, height, religion, education, career, interests, the list goes on.

That's so sad, because it's true for the most part. That's sad. Why can't I just have someone now? SHEE!!!!

Monday, December 23, 2002

SEEE!!! I know my best friend all too well.. MAN I love this girl.. look at this. not even 5 minutes after I posted.. she just knew to read it.. I didn't even tell her.

BrownEyedGirl183: BOY!
BrownEyedGirl183: that is between you & me!!!
BrownEyedGirl183: Yes: Maya will probally get mad, and she'll try to make me take this post off, but Here is our pact:
christoplg: HHAHAHAH
christoplg: haha
christoplg: aha
BrownEyedGirl183: you need to be slapped!!!!
christoplg: that is true.. see I know you too well!
christoplg: I KNOW!
christoplg: but shit
BrownEyedGirl183: the WHOLE world does not need to know
christoplg: I had to
BrownEyedGirl183: including some ROBBIE@!!
christoplg: HAHAHH
christoplg: I'll but it on a blind pos
christoplg: t
christoplg: for me only..
BrownEyedGirl183: hahaha
BrownEyedGirl183: ok
BrownEyedGirl183: you said some 15 YEARS!!!
christoplg: I KNOW
BrownEyedGirl183: you need to be SHOT! STONED! HANGED! STABBED!
christoplg: you respect that don't you
BrownEyedGirl183: HTFN!!!!

I was about to post some 305 question survey, but I decided I didn't want to answer all those questions. Hmmm.. I want to say that I am really excited about the pact Maya and I made. This is really weird. We totally had no clue MTV had one of it's special "Fight for Your Rights" movies on tonight. The WHOLE weekend we have been making a pact to not have sexuals. I think that's a little weird. Yes: Maya will probally get mad, and she'll try to make me take this post off, but Here is our pact:

we promise not to have any sexuals until we are in a serious deep relationship (not with each other).
Sexuals include:
Oral (either way)
Vaginal (either way)
Anal (either way)
Heavy Petting
Dry Humping

We have defined a deep relationship as: A deep one, no random encounters, both of us must know the 'other half' b/c what's a deep relationship if the person doesn't know your best friend? So, we have decided the other person will know not just "of" Maya/I but KNOWS them. Maybe not on the same level, but they will know us. And, it will be more than 3 weeks (well more for me, that's Maya's addition) before we have oral. and 15 years before sex sex. Okay not that long. I had to exaggerate. You know.. Holler. I love Maya.

Man. I really hope I can stick to this. I am excited though. Watch like everyone want me now. It won't be right. That's okay though. I'm worth it. Shee. I'm worth more than that, but if I can stick to this, then I'll be able to REALLY WAIT. I have to take it a little at a time. Okay noise in.

Sunday, December 22, 2002

Maya's Man Click here

christoplg: he looks like some I don't know!
christoplg: Old Fogie!
BrownEyedGirl183: i'm about to put that fucking link in my profile
christoplg: get it grandpa!
BrownEyedGirl183: AMEN!
BrownEyedGirl183: i'm going to lose it again to him
christoplg: HAHHAHAH
christoplg: that's MY man!
BrownEyedGirl183: i don't play!
christoplg: you can't have him
BrownEyedGirl183: oh hell no
BrownEyedGirl183: that's MINE
BrownEyedGirl183: DON"T MESS WITH MY MAN!
christoplg: HAHHAHAHA
christoplg: you can have him!
BrownEyedGirl183: YES!!!!
BrownEyedGirl183: AMEN

There is too much stuff I won't even comment on. There's Maya and I for you. We have more issues than Newsweek.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

Okay. Does this mean I have serious problems? So there's a staff New Year's Party, on New Year's Eve, of course. I mean I want to go (kind of) but I also want to stay at home and watch MTV's Pajama Party, since most likely, my other friends will be doing other things (going to the club, etc.). I mean I had fun times last New Year's with MTV, but I think the Madstone staff will be perturbed with me if they find out I stayed home to watch MTV. Hahah. Like I care. No, but I do. I'll probally go to the NYP. Well, then again, if I can't drink, I don't know... Hmmmm... Jeff suggested I make an appearance at the party, maybe I'll do that. But who wants to drive all the way out to Glenwood when I'm not even going to be in the area? AHHH! Okay. I'll ponder this long and hard (like my penis sometimes, when it's aroused).

I wonder if Jenny is mad at me.

Friday, December 20, 2002

Holler. I had a good day. I worked from 10-3 at Wilson's. It was quite the fun times. Since I make more there than that Madstone, I tend to enjoy it a little bit more sometimes. Not all the time though. There are so many trifflin people who come into retail stores! Yeah so anyways, GUESS WHO I SAW TODAY!!! RYAN STREETER! Okay to most of you, that means to nothing. To me, it was just weird. I mean I haven't seen that boy since eighth grade. He was like one of my best freinds! Until he switched churches, and we had a falling out. Well, not a falling out, but yeah. Man, all of my ex-best friends and I have had a falling out. Except Maya. Well she's not an ex-best friend. But we have had a falling out! Hahah that was the SUMMER of SUMMERS!!!!!! HOLLER FRONT! OH SHEE! I am still mad at what I did. Yeah, it was just weird seeing that boy, and realizing how much I have grown up. I'm not in eighth grade anymore, but it seems like it was yesterday that we were going to Jr. High retreats and such. What else did I do today? Worked at Madstone. Boring tonight, for the most part. I mean it was fun times, but I would have rather been out. It's not like I went out anyways. I went home to chill here, and build a Christmas tree. That's what Maya and my mom are doing now. They are putting the lights up. I was helping, but it got boring, and I don't do it right. Leave me the ornaments. Hehe. I DID SEE ME SOME JOSH GROBAN ON 20/20!!!!!!!! OH HOLLER!!!!!! Man, that made my day just awesome. That boy is amazing. I'll leave it at that. Maya says hey. Peace.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Maya's Survey:

Name three bad habits you have:
1.) i shake my leg too much
2.) i stare
3.) i laugh too much

Name four scents you love:
1.) Very Sexy for Her
2.) Cool Water
3.) Guys that just smell right
4.) Fresh Popcorn

Name four things you'd never wear: (normally anyways)
1.) Plaid & Polkadots
2.) Pleather
3.) Shoulder Pads
4.) Those padded underwares that Bridgette's mom wears... haha

Name four animals you like:
1.) Dogs
2.) Leopards
3.) Dolphins
4.) Monkeys

Name four television shows you love (let's change that to LIKE):
1.) Boston Public
2.) Will & Grace
3.) My Wife & Kids

Name four bands/genres most people don't know you like:
1.) Some country
2.) Classical
3.) Jazz
4.) Showtunes

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1.) Coke
2.) Sweet Tea
3.) Water
4.) Sweet Tart ( Shelley! )

Name four random facts about yourself:
1.) I'm a freak nasty panty dropper
2.) I love dancing
3.) I want to be in a music video
4.) People need to know me!!! EVERYONE so IM me...browneyedgirl183

Name three random facts about your family:
1.) My cousin is a Hooter's girl in MI
2.) My other cousin was in Premier with China Chow
3.) My dad is the coolest!

1. Fallen for your Best Friend? hell no!
2. Made out with JUST a friend? yes
3. Been rejected? or heartbroken? yes and yes.
4. Been in love? no
5. Been in lust? yes
6. Used someone? well
7. Been used? well
8. Cheated on someone? nope, i hate cheaters!
9. Been cheated on? no
10. Done something you regret? unfortunately

Who was the last person..

11. You touched? in what sense?
12. You talked to? Christopher
13. You hugged? Dewar, Shelley, BG, and Flaherty :)
14. You instant messaged? Christopher
15. You yelled at? Christopher
16. You laughed with? Christopher
17. You had a crush on? too many to name
18. Who broke your heart? well my heart is fragile.. handle with care!
19. Colour your hair? brownish black
20. Have tattoos? no
21 Piercings? no, my dumb body rejects them
22. Own a web cam? hell no
23. Have aol? nope
24. What should you be doing right now? anything but this
25. What are you listening to? Work It
26. Can you do anything freakish with your body? well.. i guess that's for you to find out
27. Chicken or fish? Chicken
28 Do you have a favourite animal? Dogs
29 Is ice cream the best thing in the world? no

1. What would your dream date be? Something nice like going to the beach and looking at the stars and just talking..
2. Single flower or a dozen? single
3. Silver, gold or platinum? DIAMONDS
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? Restaurant
5. Roses or wild flowers? Wild flowers
6. Silly or serious romance? both
7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? Marvin Gaye
8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? of course
9. Shy? Sometimes
10. Boring? Not really
11. Funny? Yeah
12. The Lovey Dovey type? Yes
What have you done TODAY? Worked at Victoria's Secretions.. went to dinner with shells, dewar, flaherty, and bg
Laughed? of course
Helped someone? yeah at work
Dissected something? not lately
Drank? coke!
Cut your hair? 2 days ago!!
Kissed someone? well
Missed someone? everyone from school!
Told someone you love them? no
Met someone new? yeah

Q. Who is your favourite Spice Girl? dont have one
Q. Favourite Disney Characters? tigger!
Q. Favourite fast food? chick-fil-a
Q. Favourite book? She Comes Undone by Wally Lamb
Q. Favourite Sports teams? NC State
Q. Favourite song? Do That Thang by P.Diddy & Big Tymers
Q. What room is your computer in? in my dorm room
Q. What is your shoe size? 7-8
Q. What will you be when you grow up? Bossing your ass around
Q. What are you doing right now? Ignoring Christopher

Christopher's Questionaire

Name three bad habits you have:
1.) I breathe hard/sigh
2.) I let people walk over me (sometimes)
3.) I'm a closet Dawson's fan

Name four scents you love:
1.) Polo Blue
2.) Honeysuckle
3.) Mint
4.) Newspaper

Name four things you'd never wear: (normally anyways)
1.) saggy jeans
2.) an XL shirt
3.) tube top
4.) bra

Name four animals you like:
1.) Lions
2.) Tigers
3.) Bears (oh my!)
4.) Panthers

Name four television shows you love (let's change that to LIKE):
1.) American Dreams
2.) Boston Public
3.) Dawson's
4.) Everwood
5.) Will & Grace
6.) Real World

and the list goes on..

Name four bands/genres most people don't know you like:
1.) Josh Groban
2.) John Williams
3.) Moby
4.) Kroner Quartet

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1.) Sprite
2.) Sunkist
3.) Kool Aid
4.) Ginger Ale

Name four random facts about yourself:
1.) I love soccer, but can't play it
2.) i love movies
3.) i have problems with kissing boys i dont like, but i will do anything else with them
4.) people think I'm anoxeric

Name three random facts about your family:
1.) My uncle got stabbed to death
2.) my dad is a twin
3.) my mom is the only girl

1. Fallen for your Best Friend?
nope.. my best friends are girls
can you name the seven dwarfs? Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, Doc, Sneezy,
2. Made out with JUST a friend? nope
3. Been rejected? or heartbroken? no and no
4. Been in love? not really
5. Been in lust? hahah..
6. Used someone? not on purpose
7. Been used? yeah.
8. Cheated on someone? no.
9. Been cheated on? no
10. Done something you regret? many times.

Who was the last person..

11. You touched? Maya
12. You talked to? Maya
13. You hugged? Cristina
14. You instant messaged? Shelley
15. You yelled at? Maya
16. You laughed with? Maya
17. You had a crush on? May.. wait.. hahaha
18. Who broke your heart?
19. Colour your hair? blackeroo
20. Have tattoos? Nope
21 Piercings? Yup!
22. Own a web cam? but.. but yes to digital cam!
23. Have aol? only AIM
24. What should you be doing right now? nothing?
25. What are you listening to? Boy Meets World (maya is watching it)
26. Can you do anything freakish with your body? You have no idea.
27. Chicken or fish? I don't eat Chicken
28 Do you have a favourite animal? Trixie
29 Is ice cream the best thing in the world? Close, but no cigar.

1. What would your dream date be? a date would be a dream. period.
2. Single flower or a dozen? single
3. Silver, gold or platinum? platnium, bitch! what kind of question is that?!
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? depends on resturant
5. Roses or wild flowers? one rose; more than one, wildflowers
6. Silly or serious romance? silly
7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? Marvin Gaye
8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? Yes
9. Shy? Naw
10. Boring? Nope, well not to me..
11. Funny? I know I am funny.. well I think I'm funny
12. The Lovey Dovey type? ummm sure?
What have you done TODAY? slept. alot
Laughed? yes
Helped someone? no
Dissected something? no
Drank? Kool-Aid, Grape Juice and Sprite
Cut your hair? no
Kissed someone? nope
Missed someone? yep
Told someone you love them? nope
Met someone new? nope

Q. Who is your favourite Spice Girl? Posh, b/c she is Married to David Beckham
Q. Favourite Disney Characters? Most of 'em
Q. Favourite fast food? Sabarro
Q. Favourite book? Crime and Punishment
Q. Favourite Sports teams? English Soccer Teams
Q. Favourite song? right now; good charlotte, lifestyles of the rich and famous
Q. What room is your computer in? Den
Q. What is your shoe size? 9
Q. What will you be when you grow up? Something good
Q. What are you doing right now? this survey

just got back from Lord of the Rings. I can't even go into detail how good that mo-fo was. Man, I am still in awe. Peter Jackson is a man with a plan. I respect him, and everyone involved in that movie. Sheet. Yeah, so I am eating.. no just finished a bowl of Golden Grahams. Umm ummm good. I don't play. i was HONGRY! I dont have to work tomorrow! that makes me happy. I get to sleep, and dream of Orlando Bloom. Oh yes, in the movie, there's a mistake. Well I am sure there are plenty more than one, but there's a scene where Orlando doesn't have his blue contacts in. Anyone else notice it? I sure did, and I had to point it out. The previews SUCKED ASS for that movie. That's all I have to say about that. Okay online time, then bed time! holler.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

OH wow. What a dizzay. I am tired. okay.. what I did.. Story Time!

Chapter one: Sleep
SLEPT UNTIL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAY first time in forever!

Chapter Two: ON NO CD NO WORK!
I put in the J. Timmy-Tim CD that Bridgette made for me, and it didn't work. must have been a bad one. I get those all the time. So she'll make me another one.

Chapter Three: MacAllisters:
Maya came and we went to MacAllisters. Man I cannot tell you how much I love that place. Whew! There is this guy that works there (he's got a weird cuteness to him, actually he's not cute at all.. he's just.. eww.. but maybe he's so ugly and dumb that it's fairly cute) and he was hitting on me Friday, when my mom and I went there. It was ghetto. I did not respect that one bit. So Maya and I walk in, and boy is there, of course. I told Maya all about him on the way there, so she wouldn't be surprised, and I tell her everything anyways, so yeah. We stroll in, and I insist to pay for Maya's lunch.. blah.. so he's like "oh so you have a new girlfriend" (he called my mom my girfriend last time). He was like I'm going to tell on you! You're cheating! you know, totally flirting, and I was smiling, b/c I smile at everything. So he brings us our food, and he's like there you go "loverboy". I was like woah now. Maya and I BUSTED THE FREAK OUT LAUGHING, right then and there. I almost spit out my lemonade. While we were eating, we judged all the guys that walked in the door. There was this one ghetto-dressed ass ugly boy who walked in, and I was like "There's your boy Moe" (a guy Maya thinks is hot, but isn't). She was like "that's not Moe! Wait.. THAT IS MY BOY THOUGH!" She got out of her chair, and took a step in his direction. My mouth was WIDE open. I was about to throw up. Maya says; "Naw let me stop". I about died, because I thought she really knew him! Then buddy boy came over to "fix the straws" and said it again, this time cheesing. I was like okay now. So I was joking with Maya about leaving numbers (I don't do that mess, and of course I didn't), and she was like Hell no. I agreed. So we were about to leave and we see him go outside to smoke (biig no-no, that's nasty) and we left.. he's like "bye bye loverboy!" I was like oh hell, waved, and walked briskly to the car.

Chapter Four The Mall.
Next we went to the mall. There were actually a fair amount of noce looking guys there. Saw Matt Carter. He wasn't working though. Bought bro and sis their watches. Got pretzels, and Cosmo (for Maya), GQ, and Advocate. went to work. Had FUN TIMES (first time at wilson's that I really enjoyed).

Chapter Five: Home
I am home now, and am about to go to sleep. Man, after three, the chapters got short. Night!

Sunday, December 15, 2002

Cristina is my girl. look at this!

CRZYcubnNANA: hi hi
Cheahright: Hey hey!
CRZYcubnNANA: up late again i see
Cheahright: haha i Know
CRZYcubnNANA: boy
CRZYcubnNANA: we need more sleep
Cheahright: I know
Cheahright: amen
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
Cheahright: girl we made your christmas present
Cheahright: Maya and I
CRZYcubnNANA: no u did NOT!
CRZYcubnNANA: no!
Cheahright: yeah
CRZYcubnNANA: why?
Cheahright: it is soo hotness
Cheahright: you are going to love it
CRZYcubnNANA: awww haha u guys are too much!
CRZYcubnNANA: what is it???????
Cheahright: you know I can't tell you@
CRZYcubnNANA: aw cmon! u know u wanna!
Cheahright: I sure do
Cheahright: but I can't
Cheahright: haha!
CRZYcubnNANA: awwww! ya pooper scopper
CRZYcubnNANA: opps
Cheahright: hahah
Cheahright: okay
CRZYcubnNANA: scooper
Cheahright: I"ll tell you
Cheahright: WE GOT YOU...
Cheahright: AMERICA ROCKS!!!!
CRZYcubnNANA: THEY WERE SO ...... bad
Cheahright: yeah all of them! Awesome huh?!?!
Cheahright: they are giving a concert at Maya's
Cheahright: don't tell Jenny though.. it took forever to get in contact with them
CRZYcubnNANA: hahahaha
CRZYcubnNANA: wait are u serious?
Cheahright: yes!
CRZYcubnNANA: jenny wasnt there
CRZYcubnNANA: she didnt go
Cheahright: I know! but it's a surprise for everyone
CRZYcubnNANA: haha u better invite jordan
Cheahright: it's going to be at a christmas party
Cheahright: I will
CRZYcubnNANA: dude
CRZYcubnNANA: they scared me
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
Cheahright: I know!
Cheahright: me too!
Cheahright: hahaaha
CRZYcubnNANA: are u serious?
CRZYcubnNANA: seriously!
CRZYcubnNANA: cmon!
Cheahright: I was like shaking when I was talking to them on the phone!
CRZYcubnNANA: thats just crazy
CRZYcubnNANA: haha which one were u talking too?
Cheahright: I talked to 3 of them.. Jason, LaZette, and Krista
Cheahright: My sister does! remember they went backstage!
CRZYcubnNANA: oh my god they corrupted you
Cheahright: naw! I still don't like them, but I called to see if they would put together a Christmas show together
CRZYcubnNANA: ur kiddin with me
CRZYcubnNANA: i know u are
Cheahright: we'll see at that party now won't we
CRZYcubnNANA: i havent even heard about a party!
CRZYcubnNANA: u gotta be foolin with me!
Cheahright: I know you haven't, b/c Maya just got the OK the other night
Cheahright: we spent all day planning it
CRZYcubnNANA: uh huh
Cheahright: it is going to be hotness! like you don't even understand
Cheahright: why do you think we were so excited talking to Jenny last night online?
CRZYcubnNANA: i wasnt here i dunno
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
CRZYcubnNANA: but that would be HILARIOUS
Cheahright: we didn't tell her anything.. just that Christmas is going to be awesome
CRZYcubnNANA: scary tho
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
Cheahright: it's going to be awesome!
Cheahright: you aren't going out of town are you?
CRZYcubnNANA: hahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahaha
CRZYcubnNANA: nope
CRZYcubnNANA: ill be here
CRZYcubnNANA: ill just have to ask off work
Cheahright: kay b/c I don't want you to miss it
CRZYcubnNANA: well when is it?
Cheahright: we are thinking maybe like the 23rd hopefilly
Cheahright: I think that's a Monday night.. Jason has to call me back to see if Sunday or Monday is better
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
Cheahright: we have been going crazy all day!
CRZYcubnNANA: sounds like it!
Cheahright: but I have to go to bed... I have to go to work in the morning
CRZYcubnNANA: yeah mee to
CRZYcubnNANA: i gotta go to church in the morening
CRZYcubnNANA: night
Cheahright: amen to night
Cheahright: *that
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
Cheahright: wait
Cheahright: one more thing
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
CRZYcubnNANA: i was about to SAY
Cheahright: I had you going there didn't I?!?!
CRZYcubnNANA: for a min yeah!
CRZYcubnNANA: and i was SCARED!
CRZYcubnNANA: cuz u know they were SCARY
Cheahright: I would let you shoot me if that happened
Cheahright: they sure were
Cheahright: and UGLY!
CRZYcubnNANA: boy i might have had too!
CRZYcubnNANA: yeah they were!
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
Cheahright: hahahah
Cheahright: Cristina you are my girl
Cheahright: hahahah
Cheahright: I am laughing so hard
CRZYcubnNANA: im gonna get u BACK for that!
Cheahright: hahahah! okay!
CRZYcubnNANA: that was not even kosher
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
CRZYcubnNANA: waut
Cheahright: HAHHAHAH
Cheahright: OH LORD girl...
Cheahright: you are too much!
CRZYcubnNANA: hahah
Cheahright: Maya is going to laugh so hard.. I am putting this in my blog!
CRZYcubnNANA: awww geez!
CRZYcubnNANA: haha
CRZYcubnNANA: yeah she is gona crack up
CRZYcubnNANA: cuz man u know we were sittin there wanting to LEAVE
Cheahright: I KNOW!!!
Cheahright: man we didn't know what to do!
Cheahright: they were HORRIBLE!!!!!!!
CRZYcubnNANA: ugh
CRZYcubnNANA: i was trying to figure out WHY u would want to sit thru that again!
Cheahright: AMEN SISTA'!
CRZYcubnNANA: haha alright dude i really gotta go to bed!
Cheahright: I would have shot myself
Cheahright: me too!
Cheahright: night!
CRZYcubnNANA: i woulda shot ALL THEM FREKAS!
Cheahright: I am going to fall asleep at work
Cheahright: hahahH!
Cheahright: hahahh
Cheahright: haha
Cheahright: night!
CRZYcubnNANA: gnight

Saturday, December 14, 2002

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maya is back home for the holidays! That's so awesome! That makes me so happy. We had oh so much fun times tonight. We made our christmas, presents, I can't say what they are, becase a few of those people read this blog. haha. I'm not that stupid. I am just happy that my best friend is back! Fun times for all! Had an okay day today. Just kosher, UNTIL Maya came back. That is my girl. I can't wait until the WHOLE gang comes back. Man. More than fun times for all!

Friday, December 13, 2002

I think I know why I might be in such a good mood. I saw my favorite kid today. Allan Hawkes. I love that kid. He's so cute. Awwww! I mean he's so nice, and smart (the kid is a genius). He's nice to his sister, and he knits, gets along with everyone, and he's just like awww! I mean we were going into Perkins, and they were going out. He made his parents wait to leave until he got to talk to me! That boy has a special place in my heart. I want my child to be just like him. He always smiles, and awww! I knew I was showing favoritism every year I had him for VBS. AWWWWWW! okay, I am going to go now, because I sound like a pedophile. ew, that makes me sick to my stomach. If anyone ever touched Allan, I would kill them, and wouldn't think twice about it. That boy is too precious. He knits too. His dad is a little on the hot side, but we won't go there. This is about Allan Hawkes. I promise if that boy ever needs anything, he can ask me. I would die for that kid. Kids like him make me want to be a taecher.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

okay. Now about my day. I went to work at Madstone, pretty uneventful, I got to do a ton of knitting. I should most def be done with this scarf tomorrow. That makes me happy. We got a TON of shipments that I had to put away, but it was all okay. So then, I was walking out of Madstone, and my knitting got caught on the door, and someting happened. I was trying to knit, but it kept getting more and more messed up, so I stopped knitting, to try and correct my problem. It took me an hour! We had Christian and Cameron's concert. So of course I took my knitting inside the auditorium so I could fix my problem. We got there at like 6, and the cancert started at 7:15. Right before the lights diimmed, I fixed it! It required cutting, splicing, and unraveling three rows. sad times, but it's all in the name of knitting. So the concert starts, and I was like woah. The chorus and wind ensamble changed since I left Apex. They aren't better, we'll put it at that. I mean they weren't nearly as bad as Green Hope, but golly. I don't want to say they were bad, b/c my brother and sister are in the band and chorus, but golly. I was cringing throughout the concert. It was good though. Then there was Fruitcake. That's the "Apex Tradition" where all the alumni come up and sing that song. Man. I have to say it was good seeing some of the folks from Apex, even thought I hated some Apex High School. It was so cute to see the guys still follow my lead in everything, and I don't even go there anymore. man, it was kinda cool. I come back, and the guys don't even sing unless I opened my mouth. Then everyone rushed up to me and gave me hugs and kisses. That's the part I hated, b/c I still can't stand some of the people I graduated with, or that still go to that school. Yeah, then it was over, and I talked to people. Fun times. After that, my family and Kaleo, Crystal's boyfriend, went to Perkins. It was fun. Our watress sucked. my brother is so gross, but he's a freshman. What more can I say. It was just a good day! I am so proud of my brother and sister, even though they are part of groups who aren't that great. I know they are awesome, b/c they are related to me. Haha no seriously though, those other people stink. My brother gets solos as a freshman, and my sister is like the leader of the altos, as a sophomore. My family rocks the Fine Arts Department of Apex High school. Carryin the Banner! (Got a little Newsies in there) OKay, Noise in, I am going to talk online for a bit.

What a day, what A day. Brb. I have to go to the bethroom, then I"ll talk about my day

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

I love me some Dawsons. I don't know why. Man. I be feeling bad for those people on that show! Audrey.. Girl I want to kick her ass, but the thing is, in her crazy ways, she does keep it real. I didn't respect the fact Jack wasn't in it. Come on now. That's the only reason I started watching the show last year. Josh Groban doesn't come on in the US tonight, b/c the US sucks. I wish I lived in Norway, so I would watch the Nobel Peace Prize Concert. Anyways, I am bored, so talk to me. I want a companion, but that won't happen for a while. at least my dawgs are coming home this weekend. I respect. Let the Christmas fun times start!

AWWW SHEE SHEE! Maya Kimberley Budihardjo. Man.. That is my girl to no utter end. Man. I respect her soo much but then I don't. Aw shee shee. I don't even know what to say. ERIC!!! Get it girl, but don't get it at the same time! Holler. Well about my day. Remember how my manager told me to dress cute, well I did, and I looked soo hot, BUT THE DISTRICT MANAGER DIDN'T COME IN! I didn't respect. This is what I wore: brown leather pants (which matched my Steve MAdden's perfectly) my camel colored shirt from Express, my new GAP jacket with the wool in it. It was soo hot. Man. I respected myself. There is this ugly a$$ black guy at the mall who always hits on me, but I don't give him the time of day. Hell no one would. He is not kosher. Oh yes, The FedEx man came again today. Man he does NOT look bad at all. I think he winked at me. Yeah right. I wish. I would FOTS. Amen. Well, I gotta go for now, I'll write more laters. Oh yes, I am feeling much better today for some reason. I had an AWESOME sleep last night. Just fun times! I have a feeling that tonight is going to be stressful. Josh Groban and Dawson's come on, and I don't know what to do. That is sad times. I think I have to cry now. Okay Noise in.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

My day went downhill super fast after I got off of Madstone. One. My mom had a bad day at work, I understand that, and she told me about it. I am there to listen, she doesn't want my advice all the time, that's what my friends are for, so I can give them advice. Somtimes, my mom just needs someone to listen. Yeah, so that was cool. So we had Bojangles (I was going to eat ravioli, b/c I didn't wan't Bo's). I get home, and find out that Wilson's called, and wants me to come in. I was like okay (didn't get to take the bath I wanted). So I went to Wilson's and Veronica was like "dress cute tomorrow, the DM (District Manager) is coming in tomorrow" I took offense to that. I always look good, and dress cute. Shit. I knew what she meant, but she didn't have to tell that to me. Some of the other workers, yes, but not me. I am not mad at that.

THIS IS WHAT I AM MAD AT. I don't know how to say it without sounding selfish. Let me first say, that I ALWAYS go ALL out for my family for Christmas, and their birthday. I mean they are worth it. Every year I bedget for each sibling to get them what they want, in case my mom can't or something. Well this year, my mom straight up just wants me to get them some expensive stuff. I any other Christmas, I would be up for it, but not this year. That's why I was doing scarves. They are expensive to make, but I am actually spending my time and I really work on them to make them look nice.. ya know? I mean they don't cost as much as what my mom wants me to get them, but they aren't cheap. She knows I am trying to save up for a computer. Not just a computer, but THE ONE I WANT. Like the one I have been wanting forever, and now I am so close to buying... I have budgeted everything almost down to the dollar, but it all came crashing down tonight. This is how the conversation went in a nutshell:
My Mom:.. yeah, I'm getting them this.. so you're gonna get them those watches, (at $90 a peice) right?
Me: woah.. I was planning on scarves..
Her: well you can still get them that
Me: How am I supposed to save my money, spending $100 plus on each sibling. I know usually it comes out to that anyways, but this year I was trying to be a little different. That's why I have all these jobs
Her: Well I hope you're planning on getting them more than just scarves
Me: actually, something to go in the stockings, and that's it...
blah blah

I am livid. I mean for once, can I NOT be the one who doens't have to spend all the money? I always put my family before me. You may not think so, but I value them more than anything. On her B-day I spent 500 on her (she doens't know that, and never will), and I am ALWAYS getting my brother and sisters what they want. I don't care what I get usually, that's b/c I know what I ask for is expensive, but I have already been told I'm not getting ANY of the three things I asked for. That's pretty bad. I mean come on now.. When in MY turn? I am fine with getting stuff for them, b/c they are more than worth it, but sometimes it just hurts. I'll get over it. I am now going to take that bath I was going to take when I got home the first time. *sigh* I can get a computer another time.

BrownEyedGirl183: bznnznzmxzvbcv
christoplg: what is all that
BrownEyedGirl183: i don't know
BrownEyedGirl183: and i was trying to say hahahahaha
BrownEyedGirl183: but i missed

Okay people. I know you aren't going to respect me, heck I don't respect myself either. Yeah, so I said I started a new scarf last night.. well let me tell you a story behind this scarf...

okay, so I was getting stuff to make some more scarfs last night..and I was kidding with myself, and was like "hmm. I wonder what color scarf Jake would like". so I picked out this really coolness yarn, and I was thinking.. he hates this color.. blah blah
so I get home, and start making the scarf (I wasn't making it FOR jake, it was actually for cam) and I got online, and I was talking to Jake, and I asked so what's your favorite color? you know totally joking with myself...


I am to weird. Of course I didn't tell this to Jake, he would think I'm a stalker or a freaked out freak. yeah, so that's my life, exciting huh. Oh yeah, here's another thing. I only bought one color, ya know? I wanted to buy 6 (b/c that's how many I have to make) but I only bought one. that is too weird.

I'm here at work. Knitting. After this scarf, I have 5 more to go. Exciting huh? This one that I am doing now is going really well, and it looks good too. I am hopefully going to finish it tonight. That would be awesome dawsome. Speaking of Dawsome, Dawson's comes on tomorrow, and guess what else? JOSH GROBAN! Well it's not all about him, it's the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, but I could care less about all that, I just want to see Joshua. I know what a dielema. I think I am going to cry, or pray Josh doesn't sing untin nine, or tape one of them... BUT WHICH ONE!?!? I haven't missed a Dawson's yet, not have I missed JG being on TV. Well I'll decide taht when it comes. I am in the mood for a long bath. I need to figure out a way to knit in the bathtub. Hmmm. Knowing me, I will find a way. I am taking a long bath when I get home, before Gilmore Girls, then it will be a night of knitting and being online! Fun times! what a life I lead, huh? Okay noise in.

Monday, December 09, 2002


Hmmm.. that's okay. I would rather have Justin or Lance, I think, well Def. Justin, b/c that is my boy. esp when he went solo. Lance's bass voice is neato too, but JC can tear up a song! and when I think about it, no, not Lance. Heck, not really any of them! Give me some Josh Groban!

I don't respect retail stores. I work in one. Well I like retail, but I hate customers. They think us representatives are evil. FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HATE SALESPEOPLE, GET A LIFE! I am PAID to HELP you, not gip you of our money! If you say you don't want something, I am NOt going to sell it to you! Man, I try to make people's lives easier, but theu shun me away. forget them. I don't respect. That made me so mad today. I say if you are "just looking" then don't freaking touch the friggin merchandise! I have to clean up after your skank messy selves. I hate customers who think they know everything about a store they have never been in. Or ones who try to tell me I'm wrong. Please. I wasTRAINED to KNOW! SHHEEEEET! Man that bothers me! On a good note.. The FedEX guy that delivers stuff to Wilson's is extremely hot. here's what I told Maya about him:

christoplg: I am in love
christoplg: haha
christoplg: yeah right
BrownEyedGirl183: oh see now
BrownEyedGirl183: you have issues!
BrownEyedGirl183: hahaha
christoplg: with the FedEx man that delivers stuff to wilson's
christoplg: I about fell off my rocker
christoplg: and I wasn't even in a rocker
christoplg: I was standing up

and this is what she said

BrownEyedGirl183: OH HELL
BrownEyedGirl183: i don't respect all of that!
BrownEyedGirl183: so many issues!

and this is what I said back

christoplg: so much hotness!

AMEN. I FOUND MY PHONE!! I just hope and pray I get it for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, this is my list:

Josh Groban (well I know I'm not getting that)
My Computer (the right people know what that is)
the T68i sony phone with camera. OH HOTNESS
Stanley Kubrick Collection
^^^^^^^ the above is what I am asking for from my parents (I have to get at least one of the three)

whatever anyone else wants to get me
^^^ the above is what I am asking from everyone else. I don't care.

Okay, now time to go. I need to call Columbia tonight, or tomorrow. That's a must.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Which Over-The-Top Seventies Rock Song Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which Over-The-Top Seventies Rock Song Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

It was a tie. yeah, I guess both of them are kind of me. It's the only one I could find for now.

Golly! I always have something I want to say in my blog, but when I think of writing it in here, I always forget it! this is no special case. I have again forgoten what I was to write here. I have yet to remember what I was to say. Sad times. Oh yes, this isn't the thing, but it's still funny. So a few months ago, we went clubbin, and there was this guy, who was like ALL up in out group, trying to dance and stuff, he kept looking at Maya, and the other girls we were with, and was all about being in our group. We had never seen him in our lives, but he was dancing with us like it was no tomorrow. Well guess what.. HE WORKS WITH ME AT WILSON'S! Hahaha! well I'll be done with this entry for now. Noise (opposite of peace)

Saturday, December 07, 2002

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?

brought to you by Quizilla

OH FUCK YES! Enough said about that. HTFY!! I knew this, now all we have to do is work on Jude

Friday, December 06, 2002

::sighs:: ahhh.. I had a night full of dreams about the awesomeness, Joshua Groban. Maybe it was because I was up until about 4 in the AM writing posts to messageboards on a private site for grobanites. I don't consider myself a "grobanite". Just so you know. Get this. So I was at Chammps (a resturant) with my dad (mein fati), Christian and Cameron. I had to take a dumperoo. So I was in the bathroom, and it was a DOOSIE that wanted to come out. I was like screaming! This is the bad part. THEY DIDN"T HAVE A BAR TO HOLD ON TO!!! What kind of expensive resturant is that when you can't even go take a poo poo in a stall with no bar! I didn't respect. The one time I need the bar, they didn't have one. I was like crying. It was so thick, it's not even funny. Sheet. Yeah, so I just got home from work (wilson's) and it was fun. Nothing really exciting. I got the new XY mag. The boy at INK gives me his employee discount, so you know I am all about that. Even though I have no intentions of doing anything with him, I think we just understand each other. OKay, now that I am done with that unessecary rambling, I will talk about me. Haha. when don't I talk about me. Oh yes, I am now no longer a 100% freeballer. I have decided to wear underwears. I mean I'm sure there will be those days where I will have to go "commando" but for now, it's back to the el boxeros or boxer briefs. Too bad I have to buy new ones, b/c I kind of threw away all of them. Haha for me. Fun times. Hmm what else? Oh yeah. Okay this is pretty pathetic. My MOM (yes my mom) straight up begins to tell me about how this is the time of year where she gets lonely. I was like "I hear you sista" It's pretty pathetic when I know how my mom feels about being lonely. I mean shit. I am not supposed to be having a pity party with my mom, you know! We are some hot mothersuckers! Tomorrow I think we are going to hit the clubs. Well not really all that, but still. Of all people we should be the LEAST lonely. People are missing out on some good ass, and some good people in general! Holler for the Guests! I have to raise the roof. Okay. Peacies. Let me take my lonely ass to bed

CRZYcubnNANA: go to bed
christoplg: I know
christoplg: I should!
christoplg: but I can't
CRZYcubnNANA: aww why not?
christoplg: I don't know
christoplg: well one, I had 15 hours of sleep b/c of the power outage
christoplg: it was too cold to do anything else
CRZYcubnNANA: awww!
CRZYcubnNANA: is it still out?

I shouldn't even answer that question

Thursday, December 05, 2002

AHHHHHHHHHH! We have been without power and a phone line for the past 17 hours. Ouchies, huh? Yeah, I was asleep basically the whole time. That made me happy. I got 15 hours of sleep. Yaay fun times for me. I have missed 2 meals, and dinner should be coming soon, but I am not even hungry for it. That's what happens when it snows/ices in Cary, North Carolina. The whole world falls apart. I couldn't even call work to tell them I wouldn't be coming in. It's not like they had power, anyways. I wish they would come and ask me to go into a movie theater with no power. I would laugh in their face. You know what? I think the CP&L "power people" are awesome. They don't get enough praise. They have been working their asses off trying to make sure everyone has power, a thing we all take for granted. I want to send them a big ole letter. I don't even play. Those men and women got up and went to work, although they probablly didn't have power either. Man, that is some dedication. It takes a good man to do that. So, if there are ever any power or telephone workers that read my blog, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ya'll are awesome. Okay, I am done with the blog for now. ta ta.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

had to have a quiz. Donnie Darko is awesome.

Oh goodness it's snowing.. or it was.. that's awesome. I HEARD JOSH GROBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT, I DID BETTER THAN HEAR HIM, I SAW HIM!!!!!!!!!! O HOLY NIGHT!!!!! GET IT BOY! I forgot what I was going to write. I had a whole thing to write, but I forgot. Everything closed early today. The pansies in North Carolina. Can't keep jack opened. Sheet. I don't respect. I sure as heck don't want to to go work tomorrow though.. Holler. Anyways, I am going to paste this song, then I have to go so Maya can call me.


Snow, snow snow snow SNOW! it won't be long before we'll all be there with snow
Snow, I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with snow

Snow, I long to clear a path and lift a spade of snow
Snow, oh, to see a great big man entirely made of snow

Where it's snowing
All winter through
That's where I want to be
Snowball throwing
That's what I'll do
How I'm longing to ski
Through the

Snow, those glist'ning houses that seem to be built of snow
Snow, oh, to see a mountain covered with a quilt of snow

What is Christmas with no (no) snow (snow)
No white Christmas with no (no) snow (snow)

I'll soon be there with snow
I'll wash my hair with snow
And with a spade of snow
I'll build a man that's entirely made of snow
I'd love to stay up with you but I recommend a little shuteye
Go to sleep
And dream
Of snow, snow, snow, snow, snow


I need to Bend and Snap. Maybe then I'll get a mate. You know I have been practicing it forever! Ask Maya. I have it down packed. I don't play. I hope it works!

jenny5504: i hate tourette's syndrome
jenny5504: ahh!
christoplg: oh really?
jenny5504: and i hate ryan *****
christoplg: shit
jenny5504: b/c i don't hate him
christoplg: fuckina
jenny5504: and i hate school
christoplg: oh reall?
christoplg: hahah
christoplg: me too
christoplg: shit
christoplg: asshole
christoplg: so what's going on
jenny5504: who's the asshole? what?
christoplg: fucker
jenny5504: ha! shut up
jenny5504: i told you i hate tourette's
christoplg: hahahah!
jenny5504: took me a second, but i figured it out finally
christoplg: that was good!
jenny5504: :-) ha
christoplg: I am so funny
jenny5504: yep
jenny5504: ha

I gained 2 MORE pounds. when is it going to stop? It's not like I work out, and I am DEFINATLEY not getting taller. Maybe my penis is getting heavier.. hmmm.. what a thought.. Anyways. off to bed with me.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

It's official. I am going to marry Josh Groban. Enough said.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?

brought to you by Quizilla

Well I don't know about all that. I just took the quiz. It's dumb. Anyways. THE NEW JOSH GROBAN CD COMES OUT TODAY!!! HOLLER! I am so excited. It comes with a JOSH GROBAN IN CONCERT DVD TOO!!!!!!!! AWWW HOLLER! GO ON AHEAD!

oh yeah. Today is my dad's b-day, and I HAVE NO FRIGGIN IDEA WHAT TO GET HIM!! any ideas?

Monday, December 02, 2002

which extremely HOTT actor are you? (well according to their characters)

brought to you by Quizilla

YES YOU KNOW! Edward Norton and I go so far back... Death to Smoochy is my movie!


Allright. Now that that's over, I am going to try to remember what I typed, although it's impossible. Calm down Christopher, it's not the enf of the world. OKay, well today was a great day, and it started off with a great dream. I'll get to the dream a little later. First about the day. I woke up, and I was smiling for about an houror three. My mom thought I was crazy. I started my training for Wilson's Leather, I think I am going to enjoy it. It's fun, and I like the people that work there (I still work at Madstone, of course, but I need more money, b/c I spend too much) I was thinking about that dream while I was straight up watching those flaming homosexuals (I know... stereotype) on that Wilson's Training tape. (read more about the dream below). I paid off my Structure Credit Card, only to put more on it today, I know, I am ghetto. I bought tons of clothes today: Three Sweaters; a brown one, a blue one, and a multi-colored one, two shirts; camel and tan, and two pairs of pants; grey, and jeans. With all of the clothes I have bought over the past few weeks, I am sure I won't get any for Christmas (that was my plan, because now I can actually get what I want). about $250 worth of clothes I got for $120 becuase I know my bizzoy Matt Carter (who was looking pretty schnazzy today in a red shirt and some dark grey pants). You know I don't play with that store. That FastCash helped too. Me no plays. Then the mom's and I went to Rack Room, where I resisted the temptation to buy some shoes, although rarely do I pass me up some buy one get the second half off. I have been eyeing the new Rascals for a while now... After out excursion, the momsters and I went to Best Buy. I have some deep issues when I go into that store. I like have to buy something, today was not exception. I bought: Analyze this, Reign of Fire (b/c my mom said it was good I will prpbaly not respect it) Resevior Dogs, and.. NOTORIOUS C.H.O!!! HOLLER! Margaret Cho is my girl! Of course, my mom begged me to buy her something, (she claims she has no moola.. she lies) and of course I did, because I am nice. Fun times. I bought her a CD I don't respect myself. Some Puff Daddy (P.Diddy) remix Cd. Please. My mom is going through some kind of ghettoness phase.. She'll get out of it sometime (soon I hope). At least she is not like some ghetto mom with some blue weave and long fingernails (hahaha I know another stereotype. I need to stop). Then we went on home, and Trixie is back home. NO, not Maya, but the dog. I know, even I get the two confused. I am now typing this bloggeroo.. which fucked up the first time. OKay now for the Dream, that has put me in a good mood all day today.

Okay Dream time. Oh golly Gee. So I am in some city, with none other than the people from Madstone, and of course, Crystal. Maya, and Jenny (I think Bridgette was there too). Well, we walked into this cafe/bakery place, because we were hongry. So we walked in, and we see that only one person is running the place, and he's not that old (my age range). He also happens to be extremely hot. You don't even understand. So everyone orders, and I get some Chai (my favorite) and a cookie. The cookies weren't ready yet, so he tells me he'll bring it to me when the line went down and the cookies were ready (then he winked at me) I smiled and said thanks.. you know I was cheesing. I was talking to Maya and Becky, and out comes our boy with my cookie on a plate. We start talking, and I knew I knew this person from somewhere, but I couldn't place him. The voice was more familiar than the face. Well be bagan talking, and we were having a DEEP conversation. Erica comes over, and does the "ahem" throat-clearing 'aren't you going to introduce me' cough. So I introduce them, and she stats to talk to him, but he's not interested, but he's not mean about it. He's nice like that. Erica goes back and sits with Alanna and Christy, and Boy starts talking to me again. He is hotter than ever. Golly gee. I can't even describe him. Wowsers. So he asks me out, and gives me his number. He asks for my name, I told him, and he says his. (I bet you can guess what it is) I was like wow. Everyone's mouth was wide-open on the floor. I was the envy of every person on the planet. He then turned around, and went back to work. I about fell out of my chair. I had never been asked out in my life (in real life or in a dream), and this was the highlight of my foreverness. We then walked out of the store, and I drove off on cloud nine (really it was a cloud with a nine on it). Then the words "to be continued" flashed, and I woke up. THE END

Boston Public comes on tonight! Then Everwood! I am so ready for that! HOLLER! My dad's birthday is tomorrow, and I have no idea what to get him. OH golly. I should have thought about that while I was at the mall, but I'll just go before or after work tomorrow. Any Ideas?

Sunday, December 01, 2002

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Guess who just called me?!?!? Megan Harris-Rodger! OH MY GOSH! I am freaking out! I am no online now, but I am sure typing this blog from off line. I am waiting for her to call back. She left me a message. Oh lordy! Wowsers! I am going to call her tomorrow

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

mostly true, except the ladies man part. I am friends with all the ladies, but that's about it. They don't like me.. that's okay though.

WOWSERS! I LOVE CHICAGO! So much to tell, so little time. Well not little time, I just don't know how I am going to type everything. Allright. You already got a taste of my St louis part of the trip. the best part of the trip was Renee's grandmother, Gracie, who is 92. She has alzheimers, but she is hilarious. oh my. We were laughing with her for ages. A conversation with her would go as follows:
"Gracie, Crystal has a boyfriend.. do you have any relationship advice for her?"
Gracies, response; "tell him happy birthday".
Another conversation.
Renee: "I know you don't like walking in the dark, Gracie, so tomorrow, we'll take a walk in the daytime okay?"
Gracie: "I don't like walking in the light either"
Renee: "so you're a vampire?"
Gracie: "no, but the inside light is too much for me"
Yet another..
Me (after G. had just finished a slice of sweet potato pie): "Gracie would you like another piece of pie?"
Gracie: "What kind is it, sweet potato? I have never had that, I want some"
That is a funny woman. Yes, it's sad, but she would talk your ear off. OH yes, I should mention she doesn't sleep. (well of course she does, but according to her, she doesn't)
Continuing with the STL part: I got hit on by a worker in Blockbuster. Kind of fun, until I said I wasn't from here, he was like, oh... then some other girl came up to him and started flirting with him like mad. I had to laugh. Then I said to my sister, so the girl could hear (not Blockbuster worker) "don't you hate it when ugly people have no shame and continue to flirt with you after you have walked away?" It was quite humerous. That's all for the STL trip.

Now for Chicago. Went shopping. That's enough. I didn't have to do anymore, but I did. 4 guys hit on me (2 at Express, one at Banana, and one at Structure). Fun times for me (I guess but not really). I had fun spending time with my family. It was just nice being with them, but I wasn't with my friends, that's sad times. But they will be home in like 2 weeks, so I'm okay with that. Hmm... Let's see. Went to Navy Pier, pretty okay place, lots of overpriced stuff, but it was nice. We rode the ferris wheel in 22 degree weather, but the wind chill was about 10 degrees. it was fun. This is where the stuff starts. So Jake calls me, and (yaay fun times for all) he was to go out to lunch with his friends, which was okay, b/c we were at lunch too (Bubba Gump Shrimp and co. not too bad, but not EXCELLENT), and he was to call me after he was finished. Well, Christian felt "sick" and my mom was getting a little tired, so they decided we were going to leave Chicago (a whole lot of hours before we planned, we were going to leave today, sunday). I called Jake, and I had to cancel on him. How sad. I wanted to cry, but of course, I didn't. OKay I didn't want to cry, but still. The trip home went quick, thanks in part to Josh Groban, Dave Koz, Harry Connick Jr., Ella Fitzgerald and Bing Crosby. Now I am home, and it has taken me an hour and 15 minutes to write this blog, because of all the drama I missed out on while I was gone, I was typing, talking, and IMing like a mad fool. haha. Okay. I am leaving now, b/c I have to call Maya. Peacies.
