R-O-C-K In the USA! That's from America Rocks, this cover band at King's Dominion. They suck. Like everyone in the youth group is obsessed with them, but I don't like them. Yeah, not kosher. Man. It's amazing what people find entertaining, encluding myself. America Rocks is not a way of entertainment. Sheet, I could do a better job than them. I am regretting that we put them on the Sr. High T-Shirts. Sad times. I am going to draw a line through them on my T-shirt. Hahaha that will be funny. Well, as you can see, I went to King's Dominion yesterday. It was so much fun, excluding America Rocks. Maya, Cristina and I had some fun times. We didn't stay with the youth group, because I hate to be bogged down with big groups at a theme park, and I was not going to stay in the same area all day. waiting to see the same lame show four times. Z and I are hopefully going out this week. That would be amazing. I would love that so much. Hopefully, it's before Friday, because that's when I go to Florida. That's going to be loads of fun times. I worked today! At least I made money. It was so boring. HAHAHHAHAH OH YEAH! I NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE CONVERSATION MAYA AND I HAD THE OTHER DAY ABOUT ROBBIE (well it wasn't about him, it involved him)!!! Talk about some Hilarious times. I'll copy it and paste it (this will be the edited version, one day, I will but the whole uncut version).
Christopher (me): Call this number ________ (Robbie's cell #)
Maya: Why, whose number is it?
Me: Just call it! You won't regret it!
Maya: What if thier parents answer!
Me: You don't have to worry about that, it's a cell phone
Maya: I don't want to. what if he's asleep?
Me: Just call the number, it's someone who likes you
Maya: okay fine
Me: tell me what he says
Maya: okay
(5 minutes pass)
Maya: Boy! It was Robbie!
Me: (laughing histerically) I know!!
Maya: Why did you do that to me?!!
Me: (still laughing) what did he say?
Maya: He asked if I was doing anything on Friday
Me: You're kidding me...
Maya: I said I was going out with Christopher and his mom
Me: You know you could have canceled on me! Sheet, I would have canceled on me!
Maya: He said mabye we can do something Saturday, or something then
Me: no WAY!
Maya: and he said he was glad that I called
Me: (various words)
Maya: yeah, WOAH, I was so scared
Me: well I should have figured that he likes you, b/c he always talks about you
Maya: does he really? I thought he liked Laura though
Me: yeah, when he's not talking about Laura, he asks about you constantly
Maya: wow!
Me: Yeah, I could tell he likes you
Maya: really does he talk about me?!?
Me: All the time, he said he would like you more, but you like Ben Affleck
Maya: OH NO! Why does he say stuff like that!?
Me: I don't know, but I think he still likes Laura
Maya: I am going to ask him out, forget Laura, if he likes me, I will take some initative
Me: I thought he already asked you out
Maya: Boy! you know I was playing!
Me: Are you serious?!?!?!?
Maya: HAHAHHA I got you! You know I didn't call him!
Me: That is ghetto! I don't respect you!
Maya: yeah so does he really talk about me?!
Me: NAW! I thought you knew I was playing
Maya: TRICK! Th thought we were serious!
Maya: you got me ALL hyped up! I was so excited!
Me: It serves you right! hahah
Maya: hahhahahaah
Me: hahahahah
both of us: HAHAHAH LMAO
That conversation was so funny. If you don't get it (I know it's kind of confusing) then ask me or Maya. You know that mess was funny! Both of us were lying the whole time! Hahahahah! This makes me want to laugh! various lines, words, phreses, and sentences were taken out for sensorship purposes, and you don't need to know the whole conversation. Maya is going to be so mad when I post this! Well I have to go talk online!
Emotional: Fun times
Physical: I feel like chicken (naw I am a vegetarian!)
Thankful: MAYA!
Look Forward to: Florida
Music: Techno
Movie/TV series: QAF!!!! (I'll tell you what that stande for later) that is my show! I just got all of season one on DVD! That's awesome!!!!!!!! I am excited!