The ramblings. Take them to heart.
I love making plans. So they can all get
After a long night's work at Apple, the work has been completed. We are on out way out. Ben didn't go over Jared's. Jared is supposed to call me back, if he goes back to his house tonight, which is highly doubtful. Sad. This means I have to waste $1.75 getting home, which will take forever, and wake up in a couple of hours just to come back to this side of town. I know it's not that far, but it's $3.50 I could have saved on my train card. Damn. I could call Hudson... that's a thought. He's DEFINATLEY not up though. I should have thought about it earlier. Damn. My fault. It was fun here at work though. that's good.
So get this. As we all know, of recent, I have had my eyes on a certain person, Jared. Well, I'm working an overnight shift tonight here at apple, 9P-5A, and I was going to ask him if I could crash at his place, for 2 reasons: One- He's RIGHT around the corner. Two- I have to be at a screening tomorrow morning at 10AM. Thorne Auditorium is right around the corner too. No, before you even think, I wasn't going to do a damn thing with him, because I'm not like that. I have self control nowadays. Well, all day, a certain person (who happens to be one of my best friends) Ben, was trying to get me to NOT go to Jared's tonight. He says I would fool around with him. No. turns out, he had alterior motives. After finishing up with his BOYFRIEND (who he's going to break up with tomorrow) he wanted to go to Jared's.
I'm on the train... I'm in the middle of the tunnel.... I can't see the light just yet, but I know I'm slowly progressing.
So about that post last night. I really was feeling like that. After a good night's rest, I have decided to put my head on my shoulders, and set things straight. After having a real heart to heart with Danielle, She helped me to realize that I am not alone. Other people are in my same prediciment, and it's okay. I'm only 19, trying to live like a 25 year old.
i don't know what to say. My day has been filed with mixed emotions, and realizations. Jenelle and Ben have finally made me realize that I really am depressed. I don't know why though. I mean I can sleep all day, and I don't really feel like I have anything to wake up for, except work. I can't pay my own rent, and my rent manager is up my ass. No guys like me. I even stopped looking. After today, I realized that guys think I'm hot, but they don't want to do anything but get with me. I mean it feels good that they like me, but it's shitty that nothing more. I just want to go to fucking sleep. It feels like I don't have a care in the world when I'm asleep. I have stopped smoking pot. I don't know why, but I know it's not the root of my evils. I should stop drinking too. I mean I dont' drink much at all, but still. Whatever.
It's here. My least favorite "holiday". Yaay. I have so much shit to do too. Oh yes. I found out I am scheduled to work tomorrow when I took off all weekend. This makes alot of sense doesn't it? I should just go into work. That means I can't go on my date. Shit. I knew some stupid shit would come up. AHHH! Sometimes I just want to scream. More about this later. Long night last night. No sleep. I hate not having money too. Help me out here. Someone throw me a lifesaver. I'll make a big post tonight. Or later this afternooon.
Okay. I need to come back to reality. I'm keeping my blog on here. I don't care who reads it. It's my life, not yours. I mean I put what I'm feeling at the time. It doesn't mean I mean it. I mean I mean it when I said it, but not now. I don't go back and edit, and I won't. I'll take my site off before I re-edit. So Yeah, if you read it, then you do. Sometimes I'll leave out names, but I'm not taking it off. Sorry. I still love each and every one of you!
oh my gosh! i just realized. It's friday the 13th. oh shit. I used to LIVE for these days. I LOVE Friday the 13ths. More than Halloween
I want to go through and title all of my posts. So whenver you want to reference my blog, pleases refer to the title. Thanks.
Oh yes, by request, I have decided to make my blog private. If you want to be one of the viewers, please make a comment, and I will un-restrict your name. Either that, or I will have to resort to using code names. I want everyone to read this, but I can't go and be a gossip queen. That's not fair to my friends. I'll leave this post up for a few days, to get a full cycle of readers. If you skipped this post, that sucks when this page is no longer viewable. Thanks.
Wow. Thanks for the email. It's been a while. A long while. It's awesome to finally hear from you. Where were you when I came back after the summer? I tried to call you so many times, and the emails. Haha. It's no biggie. I understand. You have a life. As do I. Mine just consists of relationships. I aspire to know as many people as possible. I hate cutting people out of my life. I know, it was probably too much of a hassle to deal. It's all good. I don't want to sound mean in any way. I'm not mad, upset or anything. Please don't take offense to that.
Number one thing I miss about North Carolina.
Whaa hoo! what's up? I just got off of the phone with Eddie. I realized how much I really do miss him. He's such an awesome guy. Scott is so lucky to have him. And vise versa. They are both so great. Those are my boys. I love them. I want a relationship like they have. Aww. It's okay though. Singleness isn't bad. It's actually treating me well.
Well. The past few days have been nothing but eventful. Not in any big way. Last night, we had some sort of intervention/roundtable of discussion with Ben, Adam, Scott Show and I. I, of course, thought it was pointless. It really helped Adam out though. I'm just glad that he's happy, and doesn't think that we don't like him. He thought that we were talking about him behind his back. First of all, things like that can't be prevented. I mean everyone talks about everyone, whether it be bad or good. What was said, i don't really remember, because things like that don't bother me. I don't care if people talk about me behind my back. If they have beef with me, that's another thing. Ben and Adam are friends again, and since I never thought that we weren't friends, I didn't really have anything to say. I don't put all my shit out in the open. That's how I stay so calm and collected. It's not always good to let everyone know your thoughts. Some people, yes, but not the whole world. Please. My job in life is to keep the peace, and make sure everyone's happy. If you're happy, I'm happy. Everyone else is semi-ok now, excapt Scott Show. Something is there that he's not telling. He's studying to be a psychologist, so he likes to fuck with people's minds, and I really like that. I won't ever let him know what he wants. I can play mind games too. I'm good at it. Really good. I have learned from the greatest. My dad.
So I must tell of the last 2 days. yesterday, nothing much happened, except it was the day of the hotties. Haha. but the day before...
I have got to stop being late for work. That's a huge flaw I have. sad times.
Feb. 5, 2004.-
From:CNN Breaking News
Read this article. It's a good article, but look at it again. It has nothing to do with what the whole topic of the article is. It started as a white-powdery substance found in the Senate. Then the writers went crazy. They had to break down where a substance called ricin originates. Damn. No one ever said it was anything, and they had to go on telling of the horrors that a ricin fillet dart did to a man.
I like Scott Show. He's a great guy. I want to go home so bad. I miss everyone so much. I miss y'all. Yes. This means you. I don't want to leave anyone out. I miss EVERYONE. From High School, to Peace (and yes. I miss every member there. I mean it.) I miss everyone at Madstone, and Wilsons, the Gap, and every other place I have worked. Ya'll made me who I am today. Thanks. That really means alot to me. I'm smiling at all of the things I have learned from each and every one of you. You have all given me stories to tell. Just about my life. It doesn't matter how mundane I think my life is, other people love it. Because I'm different. I have had different experiences with each and every one of you. Thanks. For everything.
yay for the souper bowl. Haha. I hope the Panther's win. I was just up at Nicole and Ross's, and I was bored. The game was on, so I decided I'd entertain myself. I actually got into the game. Really into it. Like I stayed for a quarter and a half. In that whole time,