oh my god
I hate Meg
she gave me a super big ole pepper
and it burned my tongue off
I can't eat
or drink
or like do anything
or talk.
it burns
The ramblings. Take them to heart.
oh my god
Dang dang. I've been here since early, and there's no sign of my leaving soon. I've eaten junk all day. It's quite crazy. french Fries, cookies, and of course, OREO's. What had happend was, the whole volunteer database dissapeared from our eyes. Like damn. It was gone. No disk no nothing. All the schedules. Gone. Forever. So we get to redo the whole thing. A months worth of work. Woah. Nelly. Golly gee. Willikers, That's a doosie. this thing starts Thursday. Like for real. This is not kosher. Haha. We've been crazy killer bees all day. I'm sleeping good tonight. All that, and I had to transport 50 cases of wine to Marshall Field's to prepare for the party on Thursday, and yeah. Woah. I'm a tired mothersucker. I got my Staff T-shirt, and my Staff Badge today. with my picture on it. That makes me feel important, I actually hae 2 badges. One, that says INTERN, which means if something goes wrong, I don't get blamed for it, because I'm just a little INTERN, but the other is big, and RED, and says STAFF. AS ME ABOUT ANYTHING. IF SOMEONE DIES, IT'S MY FAULT. That's what it says. So yeah. I won't be wearing that badge. Oh yes I will, because it gets me and whoever I am with into whatever screening or party :) that makes me happy. So yeah. That's my day.
Four men got together to play golf one sunny morning. As they
Ode to Mary
To: All Apple Employees
Golly gee.
100 questions. everyone should do this.
You know that feeling you have, when you get the news that was destined to come, but it finally came, and you tried to brace yourself for it, but in the end it didn't help? Well that's the feeling I have now. I knew that chances were I'd have to take a semester off for fundage, but I worked my ass off to get it all situated. I mean it was always in the back of my head, but I didn't want to accept it. Now I have. It's not gonna happen. I know it's all set for The rest of school, but now it's not. I mean it's cool, because I do have a job, and it WILL get paid for, it's just that I NEED to be in school. I don't know. It's a letdown. At least I'll be working and keeping busy. Shit will get done. I can't tell my mom. She'll flip. Try to make me come home, but I can't. I won't. I musn't. I should go and try to salvage the night. Peace.
Hey hey hey!
I'm about to GO CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got back from Fin. Aid. Theresa, my new advosor, rocks. She was so willing to help me. I've got school taken care of for the next two semesters, it's just the backpay I have to worry about. That's awesome. Everything going forward, is cool, I just have to make up for the past. I'm sure it's doable. I just gotta find the right outlet. The right solution. It's at the tip of my fingers, I just have to grasp it.
I just had a thought. You know, alot of people, in hard times, just want to go home. That thought never crossed my mind. I mean it has, but it's been shot down every time. How can I get anywhere if I go back home? I have to go forward. Even if that means going to school every other semester, then that's what it means. I mean that's cool with me, because I'll be on my way sooner or later. Going back does nothing. Only forward from here. I'll figure something out, I know it. I have to. Every problem has a solution, no matter how hard, compicated, or intricate. Nothing is impossible.
I just saw Chris Padgett. Awww! We had fun times last semester. We're not taking any of the same classes this year, but that's cool. Hopefully we'll hang. I think I still have his number. What else? Oh yeah, tomorrow. 9 AM Appointment with Fin. Aid. For the gazillionth time. I'll be there every day this week. Time to put these hard-earned acting skills to use.
I'm never going to get a loan. As a 19 year old child, I have no established credit, so my score will be too low. My parents won't co-sign for me, so that sucks too. I've been to every loan place on the planet. I'm about to go crazy. I've been doing this for over a year, thinking someone will work with me. Nah. They won't. My school won't work with me, and the government should give me more money, because I'm me. When I rule the world, school will be free.
One little rabbit walkin' down the road.
I think my other post just got gone. Hope someone read it. oh well.
I'm about to go to the opening of H&M with Justin, and possibly Zaidy. Then I have to go to UIC to some party thingy. I don't really want to go, but I'll have fun regardless, I'm sure. I always have fun. At least I'll meet new people. You know, fun times for all! AFT is going to be in the GLBTQ Hall of Fame! That's awesome! I just got the email.
Hello everyone!
So I found out that I need a ton of money for school. It'll work out somehow. I'm working on loans, and hopefully I'll get some scholarships. If I don't, then I'll have to take a semester off or something. I don't know if I can afford to do that. I KNOW I can't afford to do that. not if I want to finish on time, with a double major. I'm already behind since I didn't take classes this summer, AND I'm taking only 14 hours instead of 19. Next semester I have to take 18 and 12 over the summer to catch up. I have to work out my stuff. I need about 8 thousand dollars before Sept. 22. Scary. Well, actually by like the 29th, because the first week never counts. The fin. aid guy sucks. he's not nice. He's nice to the other kids, and I need more help than them. It's okay though. I need hardasses in the world. They make me work harder.
I don't think I can be any happier at this point and time. I just found the secret to my childhood. That's weird to say. But Every day at naptime, we used to listen to the SAME song. I have spent YEARS trying to find it, downloading it, or something.
For a second, I took my blog offline. Now I don't see any harm. It was bound to come. It's amazing how the world sees things. The whole church knows now. There's nothing wrong with that. Only if they knew about the others... (wink wink) I just got off the phone with my mom, and she was livid. Haha. They thought I was living with a 'partner' of mine. Oh Peace. I love them alot. A whole lot, and I can't wait until we all get to Heaven, and are all worshiping regardless of our boundaries. It's amazing being discriminated against in everything in life, and the church is supopsed to be a place where everyone is accepted regardless. Yes, it's true, many of churches are, but some have alot of learning to do. Another thing. If my name was brought up in Session, and my blog, then why hasn't the church been trying to help me out? They know I have NO money, and that I can't afford college, yet they said not a thing about that. I mean if they did read my blog religiously (bad choice of words) then they would know that I have college that needs to be paid for. That's not the important thing. The important thing is that I can't kiss boys. Interesting. It's no longer important that we love God. I'm still going to talk to Jeff, and email him and everything. Can't loose anything.
Woah. So people at church read my blog. I'm on the phone with Jeff Smith right now.
I have been smiling all day. It's great to be alive. I worte the following about an hour ago at Clark's. It doesn't make alot of sense, but I don't care. I jump from point to point too, but hey if you don't like it, then look in the mirror and smile.
I JUST MET CARSON KRESSLEY FROM THE FAB 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have changed the title of my blog. I was going to put the word poor in there, but I didn't, because
Today is Josh's birthday. Happy Birthday Josh!
Sometimes it sucks being the person who everyone tells shit to. I found out recently that a lot of my friends don't like another one of my friends. Yet, they put up with him. I mean golly gee. What's up? It's like why don't you tell them that? Why me? It's like I'm supposed to solve everyone's problems. Fuck that shit. I mean I love that my friends can confide in me for stuff, but still. I have to appease everyone. It's like "oh you can come, but don't bring so and so" I'm thinking "what the fuck?!" (I'm trying to stop saying 'like' all the time") Or they are like "well I really don't like so and so, that's why I don't hang around ya'll as often". Stupid shit like that. I say fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.
I told myself I would be in bed by 11.
Guess who called me?!
what an uber boring day. slightly productive, but not really. I did nothing. Shit. I meant to call my mom. But time just flew from me, and I didn't do a damn thing. what's up with that? I'm drifting away into nothingness. I left my house twice today, and I wasn't outside of my house for more than an hour's time total. That's ghetto ghet. I wonder what I'm going to do tomorrow...
Why are you interested in an internship at the Chicago International Film Festival?
Yeah, so I'm online, and myslef IM's me. I don't have a problem with that, if I saved my password, that's cool. I don't care. What I'm weirded out about is, I signed onto my other screen name (since I do have waay too many, 4 to be exact) and I see my old buddy list. I also see who's on it. Yes. None other than Mr. David R. It's really sad that someone can't tell me to my face that they don't want to hang out. I mean damn. He blocked me. I never do that. What did I do? Now this has gotten me all tied up in knots.
I had a dream that I need to transfer to a school in New York. I don't know why, but it said that's where I need to be. Kind of Field of Dreamsish. ya know "go the distance" or "if you go there, everything will come". I also had a dream about the Film Festival. That's how I got to NY in the first place. I got hooked up with someone there. Weird, I know. Me and my dreams. I am going to look into it though, for the heck of it.
I had an AWESOME time in the burbs yesterday and today. IKEA is my most favoritest store in the world. wowsers. that's about it. Oh yes, and another cool thing! So remember how I said the thing about the guys? Well, I have seen a ton of hot guys, and I'm not attracted to any of them.. It's amazing. I am really doing this! Yaay!