good morning! i am about to go to my history of cinema class upstairs. just wanted to say hey. russ called last night. we had a good cinversation. i don't know what is up with me. i take people off of my 'like list' but as soon as i see or talk to them, they go right back on. what is up with that? hmm. i think (no I know) i have issues. i'm going to see golem tonight. it's one of the 5 plays being put on at school right now. rachel is the stage manager, and i promised i would see a show. so, i'm going tonight. i don't know if there are any parties tonight. if there are, i don't know if i'll go. rollerblading is awesome. i didn't rollerblade today, because it's raining, and i haven't rollerbladed in the rain in forever. today wasn't the day to start. well then, i shall leave to history! skee ya laters!
This is me.
The ramblings. Take them to heart.
Friday, March 28, 2003
Thursday, March 27, 2003
I just finished my outline. It was not hard at all. Yaay. Haha this guy next to me was about to whall out on me, and I was about to tell him off. Okay, so I'm in the career center doing my film history homework. The girl who is usually in here is quite allright with that, and she never cares. Sheet. Me and her get along just well. I like her. But this boy is about stupid. Well he's not stupid, he's just like. Oh, I hope you just didn't do you homework in here, this is for jobs. Then he yells at me for the printer not working. Shit that is not my fucking fault. My shit didn't even print! It's all this other person who printed off about 500 emails, and mine is still not printing. I do not respect one bit. At least I emailed my thingy to myself so I can print it off in another computer lab. You know it's due tomorrow. I need to find somewhere to print it for free if you know what I mean. It's only 10 cents a page, but you have to have a printing card to print, and I don't have one of those. They are too expensive. the least one is five buckerroos. That's a lotta money. I wish I had that much. Speaking of money, I must call my dad now. OKay. Peace out bye bye!
There was no party last night. That was good. Brad brought a guy home though. I decided to go to Grant's, so Brad could do his thing. When I came back (it was 1:30 AM) they were still doing their thing. I couldn't leave again, because I did have a mid-term today, I mean dang. you know? Well anyways, I have been rollerblading everywhere today, instead of walking. Rollerblading rocks. I mean I get there tons faster. I respect that. I am going to rollerblade everywhere. It's awesome. Yaay fun times for rollerblading. Now I must type this thingy for History of Cinema tomorrow. Then SPRING BREAK! I am still trying to get home to surprise some folk's, like some Madstoners, or something. I don't know if it will work though. The train is 'spensive, and flying is out of the question. It's waaay more 'spensive than the train. Shee shee. Kinko's is supposed to call me back today. I'll go there as soon as I'm done with this outline, and yell a word or two. Well not really yell. Hah.
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
OH yes. There's a party at my hosue tonight, that I didn't even know about. You know I have a mid-term tomorrow at 8:00 AM. Shit. That's all I have to say about that. I also have to finish this shit. That's what I'm going to do right now.
Yesterday and today. Pretty boring. I'm supposed to be doing an outline now, due Friday, b ut I am going to finish Monday's post first. So read that. NOW.
Monday, March 24, 2003
I can't even remember everything that has happened since Wednesday in the correct order. Shit. Okay here we go.
So Rohan and I went to see Scott's place of work, and we got some free food, and it was good. Awww. To think I had a crush on Scott. This past week my crush list has gone from 15 to 3 to 7 to 1, and now it's whatever. Anyways, so we got Scott, then met up with Ernie and Brad (they hooked up that afternoon, duh). Ernie was about getting shit tired of Brad, so he ditched Brad with his friends, and went to hang out with us. Eddie then called, and we then decided to have a "gay boy party" at my house. (Oh golly gee willikers. What was I thinking?) Well, Grant came over too. Everyone but me, Grant, Rohan, and Brad went to my closet (yes, with all my damn clesn clothes) to smoke pot. There was a little romp session in there. No sex, just fondling, and making out. Then, there was dancing, and food, and laughing, and wowsers. (mind you, I had an 8 o'clock class the next day). So I was totally hitting on Ernie, right? Let me just say I'm a subtle type, and I move slow. Well I was doing my thing, you know slowly moving in closer, and we were holding hands, and we had the footsies thing going on, and the rubbing of the legs and such. Guess who decides to come and ruin the fun?! None other than, Ben, my loving roomate (actually we're on good terms now). Of course, Ernie, being the ho he is (we'll get to that part later) was all over him too. They went over to MY bed, and started making out. So I was fed up, and started talking to Grant. Grant and I had a heart to heart (I'm moving in with him and Eddie in May. our house is going to be OTC), and we were cuddling. Aww. Grant is like a teddy bear. He's awesome. Hell no I don't like him like that, he's just my girl like that. he and Eddie are the only ones allowed to call me girl. Well, As grant and I were cuddling, I called Scott on over, to come cuddle too. Scott knew I liked him, and you know, I was feeling the same vibes from him too, because as the night went along, (i was back in my bed at this time) we were doing more than just cuddling if you know what I mean. No sexual contact. Only a little gropage, and kissing. Okay, alot of gropage and kissing. It was all fun times. Well, after that all finished, we went to sleep.
Woke up in the morning, went to class, and came back. The only people still at my house (yes, everyone was there while everyone was doing their things) were Ernie and Rohan. Rohan wanted to get with Ernie, I mean Ernie is hot, and I thought it was hilarious, so I encouraged it. I got home from my interview at Kinko's (I get called back Thursday with my schedule) and Rohan and Ernie are both in underwear. We all know what that means. Thursday afternoon, I took Ernie and Rohan out to lunch. It was fun. Expensive, but fun. I thought they had money, but they didn't. Ghetto. We went to Buca for dinner. It's the best Italian food I have ever had. Then Thursday night, I had a project to finish, that I had basically not even touched. Ghetto ghet, I know. Well, Grant had a party in his place. We live in the same building, he just lives a couple floors down. SO everyone and their mother was at his place, and I finally did my project. I got finished about 4:30 (am) and went down to get Ernie to take him to the bus station (which I paid for his ticket). Well, to make a long story short, he didn't go. He said he would catch the 12 o'clock. OH yeah, Ernie hooked up with Eddie that night too.
I went to class. I turned in my project, and it rocked. Well at least I thought it did. As much time I put on that mess I better get a good grade. Anyways, I went back home to make me some f-double-o-deezy, and found Ernie still in Grant's room sleeping. I woke them up, because he was suppposed to have caught his train at 12, and it was about 1:15. They persuaded me to skip my Aesthetics class (damn they are good, because I love that class), and Ernie and I ended up fooling around. We exchanged some BJ's, and the sort. I'm still a virgin. It's all good. Friday night, 'twas a party at Tony's, and it was fun times. I had 4 margaritas, 3 cosmopolitans, and 3 shots. I was just getting started, then I saw everyone was getting too drunk, so I stopped drinking. Damn. I am always too responsible. I took everyone home that night; Dan to the train, made sure he got on the right one. Then everyone else went home with me. They were all drunk and/or high. I was the only sober one. Ernie hooked up with an ugly ass guy. We call him the "French haircut boy". Then he slept over at Grant's, because Ben and Brad (my two roommates) hate him. He hooked up with Grant that night. Grant said,
Damn. That means something. Grant has had A LOT of sex. I mean A WHOLE LOT.
I was late for About Face. Ernie still hadn't gone home, so I had to pick his ass up, and take him to About Face with me. About Face was awesome. A group called Manifest was doing the workshop that day. They kept my attention. Sheet. I could stare at some of those hotties all day and night. Even the girls were hot. After ABT, We went to Clark's (duh). Ryan was not having fun times, so we went on a walk. It was nice. awww. I want to date that boy. We then went to a party in the most awesomest loft I have ever seen in my whole entire life. I want to go to all the parties there. Oh my gosh. It was incredible. It was called the "gay frat" party. It was pretty good. Met a guy named Daniel there. We made out. Ryan didn't see (thank the Lord). Ryan then spent the night. We flirted and played hard to get all night. We know we like each other, but both of us are too scared to say something. That is so dumb. Oh yes, Corey went home with a boy. Corey is 17. He said he knew the boy (22 year old Dan, who I didn't know) and that Dan was going to take him home. I told him to call me when he got home. The only calls I got were from his mom, every hour, until 11:00 AM the next day. I was livid. Corey knows he did wrong. He knows he's not leaving with another guy from a party but me. Damn. I watch out for people too much. I wouldn't let anyone leave with random people. I'm mean.
ERNIE FINALLY LEFT!!!!!! no wait.. he didn't. He said he was gong to leave, and was on his way to the station, and didn't leave. That boy. Well he's no longer downtown, he's found some other people to mooch off of. Well that's all on him. Saw the Oscars. Can't say I was dissapointed, but I was. I mean they were okay. At least I got to watch them in peace. Everyone else was upstairs doing something, and I was just in Pat's basement chillin, watching my winners. Or my losers. Selma should have won. That's all I have to say. Adrien Brody won. That made me so incredibly happy. I had to shed a tear for him. Then Scott came over, and fooled around with Ben. I thought Scott liked me, but I knew he didn't, so luckily, I wrote him off before he fooled around with Ben, or I would have been upset.
Mike is waiting for me.. I gotta finish later. (well not anymore, because it's Wednesday, but that was from Monday, and I didn't want to take it out)
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
I am having a good day. Possibly because of my dreams. I have no idea what they were about, but they had to have been good for me to wake up like this. Brad is all moved in. I don't know about that.. his friend Ernie is over, and talk about a really cute boy. Ernie does not look bad, but his name is Ernie. He's extremely smart, but waaay too arrogant. Brad did get a peice of my mind last night. Rohan and I are going to do my project tonight! Yaay! During it we're going to see Scott (with whom I have a semi-date.. it's not official.. yet..). Margaret Cho is coming April 2nd to Northwestern, talk about fun times. Olivia can get me tickets. For cheap. Awesome. I need to call her to get a ticket for Scott. Hmm what else? Ben and I are kosher. Not like kosher kosher, but we're better. Yaay for that. Math sucked. I'm going to see Scott tonight, with Rohan. We're going to his place of biz. I am still doing this damn project. Talk about ghetto times. I am making today's posts all one paragraph. I guess that's it.
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Aw hell no. let me just say, that you do not call me in class, talking about how you're sitting in the foyer of my damn apartment, and when I check the messages during break, go all the fucking way back home to let your ass in, and see that you're not there.
You just don't fucking do that. Shit. Brad is going to get a peice of my mind. oh hell. I mean he told me to make a damn key for him. First of all, I have a fucking project to do, and my education comes before him or anything to do with him. if he was in the hospital, and I had a project that i hadn't finished, my ass would be finishing that project. i don't know him like that. My world does NOT revolve around him. It revolves around one motherfucking person. ME. Shit. i don't play. I will stick my head out for people i know and love, but oh hell. You just don't complain like a damn baby and don't be somewhere when I took my sweet ass time out of class to come and let you into my damn apartment. fuck no.
Then his queeny ass calls me again, and is like "you need to come out to Clark's tonight, and bring me a key. I'm sleeping on the streets tonight."
FUCKING SHIT. You do NOT tell me what I need to do. He thinks I motherfucking care if he is out on the damn street!?! SHITFUCK!!!!! I DON"T WANT HIM IN MY DAMN HOUSE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!! OH CUNT! I don't know what the fuck to say. NO ONE GETS MAD AT ME if THEY ARE THE ONES WHO WERE TWO MOTHERFUCKING HOURS LATE. SHIT HIS ASS SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT MY HOUSE AT 2 O'CLOCK WHEN I WAS WAITING. I WAITED UNTIL THREE, and I HAD SHIT TO DO. FUCK SHIT DAMN. i am NOT going to play this bullshit.
OH hell. I am going to get me some Oreo's and eat the whole damn package. GOODNIGHT.
I need to find my U-Pass too.
wow. Well, yesterday, I didn't spend as much time at the library as I wanted to. But I still went, and it was awesome. Mike, Rohan and I walked (yes walked) to Navy Pier from my hosue. Talk about wowsers. what a great day it was yesterday. Then we went to the library, and fun times were had, then I went to Dinner with Hannah and her mom.
We went to Lawry's. OH MY GOSH. Talk about the beat meal I have ever eaten in my entire life. It was awesome. Wow. I am going to go there again, when I get the money, because one entree is $30. Our bill came to be up there, and there was only three of us. I offered to pay for my own meal, but Hannah's mom wouldn't let me. Wow. It was amazing. Salmon on potatoes, with fresh carrots, zucchini, and broccoli, salad which was awesome, fresh sourdough bread, and wow. Then Creme Brule for dessert. wow.
We then went back to my house, and played for like 2 minutes, then back to Hannah's hotel, and watched Bridget Jones' Diary. THAT IS MY MOVIE.
I then went to Clark's (I shouldn't have gone) to meet up with Rohan, Pat, Dave, Laura, and Lauren. I don't know the last two girls, but it was fun.
We then went to Pat and Dave's house to watch "Party Girl" a Parker Posey film. Nathan Finke would love it. As would Becky.
I LOST MY U-PASS. I have to either pay for another one, or just get a CTA transit card, and pay each time I ride the train/bus. I can't afford either, but I have to have a U-Pass. shit. I was so mad last night.
Brad moves in today, but I won't be there, because I have shit to do. Homework, Museum, FILM HISTORY PROJECT, See Hannah and mom off to airport, then class.
Wow. OKay I have to go home now, and take a nap. I stayed out too late, and I need to catch up on sleep.
Monday, March 17, 2003
Sunday. Woke up. At 10. Then I met Hannah 2 hours later. We had FUN TIMES shopping. Wow. She found an AWESOME dress. It looks awesome. For lunch, we, of course, went to Clark's. It was awesome. Wow. the weather here has been awesome. like incredible. Incredibly awesome. yaay. we then wanted to go to Clark street, because there are alot of like boutiques on that street. So we went to Fullerton (we should have just gone on the Clark Bus, but Ro-Ro told us to go to fullerton, and then take the bus. We did that, but, yeah. We went the wrong way. Talk about fun times. So we wanted to get on the other bus, but it was running a little slowness. We saw a girl with an ass so big, she walked funny. She was skinny too. I had to laugh. Hannah and I had somt fun times on the real. Then, we went to CHEESECAKE FACTORY, which ROCKS MY COCK. WoW.
I then went to Ann's. She is awesome. We didn't watch Six Feet Under, or QAF, but that's okay. I'll see them later on this week in re-runs. we did see an awesome movie called Amores Perros (love's a bitch. at first I thought it was dog's in love, because you know.. dog..bitch.. yeah..). It was awesome. It has the boy from Y tu Mama in it. Not Diego Luna, but the other guy. Gael Garcia. yeah. Anyways, the movie rocked.
Guess what the fuck I found out. Brad is moving in TOMORROW. Not Next week, but TOMORROW. WHAT THE FLYING DOO-DOO.
Well, I have to go meet Mike now.
Then I have to go to the Library, I HAVE to do this film history thing. and hang with Hannah Banana.
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Okay. Let's start with Friday. You already know most of what happened. Well, Friday night Rohan and Eddie came over. We had a slumber party. We made dinner, played Monopoly, ate Ice Cream, made brownies, and played Trivial Persuit. It was fun. Took my mind off of things.
Saturday. I woke up to pick up Hannah. Her plane was late, that was fun times. I then met them at the airport, and took them to their hotel. Then ABOUT FACE.
ABOUT FACE ROCKED. It was the best one ever. Moises Kauffman, and Doug Wright. They rock my life. Oh my stars. Talking about finding a moment.
Then, I went to dinner with Hannah and her mom. It was awesome.
I then met Rohan at Belmont, and I chilled with Michelle, Dan, and him. We went to Chase, and met up with Sam (a boy who thinks he's straight, but he's not) and Maja, who rocks. Yaay.
Then we went to Hooka. Cafe Hooka. You know, where I went like my first week here. Fun times. Okay, I must tell about Hunter. Aw. Hunter is a little boy. Well not little, he was 17. He's in high school. At first I thought he was cute,and I wanted to talk to him. I did, at the party (talk about this laters). Yes. He's gay, but No. He's 17, and he's too not on my level yet. but aww.
OLIVIA and LAURA met us at Hooka!
Fun times (or lack thereof were had). we went to a lame ass green party, and they were about to make us pay to get in. now you know I can't afford a damn party. I got in for free. Sam likes me.
Talked to Hunter, because Sam wanted me to talk to him. I did. It was nice, but no.
I bonded with Laura. We rock. Shit. I love her
Let me just say, that today, in the City of Chicago, I have seen more hot guys than I ever have in my whole life. It was just awesome.
Friday, March 14, 2003
i was reading my blog, and I was looking. Why the fuck did I like brad? I know, because he showed interest in me. Shit. fuck that. It's got to be more than that. Hell. I am fed up with everything. I need to go have fun, but I have a history project that I need to do. That's waht I'm trying to do.
Words cannot explain the mood I am in. beyond mad. beyond pissed off. Shit. So, I'm here in the 1104 Center, you know, shootin the shit with Chris. We're having fun times and all, and all of a sudden, I get a call from none other than BRAD. He says "where are you at, I need to come over and look at the apartment". I was like "what? you need to look at what? Whose?"
Him: "yeah, didn't Ben tell you, I'm moving in"
Me: "hell no he didn't tell me"
him: "well are you downtown?"
me: "I have stuff to do, I can't be lagging your behind all over downtown just to appease you"
him: I just need to look at the apartment
me: fine. where are you
him: some big grey building. On state and wabash (there's no way he was on State and wabash. they dont intersect. They run parallel.
me: fine whatever. be ready when I get there
then I remember. Oh shit. I have a FUSION meeting (as I see Laylaih walking to the building.) I told her I was going to be late.
I spend forever looking for Brad's ass. Shit. I was pissed. I had to talk to someone. Maya couldn't talk, she was going to dinner. No one else was home. Aw hell.
So I show Brad our dirty apatment. Shit. I wish someone would have told me about that shit, and I would have cleaned. I haven't had time to clean anything.
He's like "cool honey" I was like "look. If you are going to live with me, there is no honey, or babe, or anything. I don't like you". (I had to lay it out).
Then he had in interview to go to. Thank the Lord.
Then I went to FUSION. No one was there that I wanted to see. I left.
I am now typing this.
SHIT. You don't even know the half. I meant to write what I'm about to write this morning, but i didn't have the time. well, here goes.
So I get home yesterday, and there's a note under the damn door saying:
What the flying FUCK. I pay my damn rent. AND ON FUCKING TIME TOO. I give it to Ben, and since my name is not on the lease (Ben's grandad or something is) I don't pay them directly. fucking assholes. I was so livid. Then he came home stoned. Shit. I need to fucking move out. NOW.
Just got back from Aesthetics. It rocked. Yay for that class. I don't know why I like it so much. It's intriguing. It's just awesome. Wow. It makes me happy. I have to pay my celluar phone bill and soon. I think they have shut off my service. haha. It's not my fault I don't have any money. Well, I am going to check the mail now, and hopefully find some money that my mom has sent me in there. Okay. Well I shall write laters.
Ahhh for Friday! I mean yaay. I guess. I am in History now. Well actually I am on break, and I have to go back in 4 minutes. Just wanted to make a post, and to say I am livid at my roomate. Okay. so I am SOUND asleep, and buddy boy decides to come home stoned as H. Not just him though. He brings over Jessica, and Eddie, who are both sooo loud and stoned. The KNOW I had class today, and decided to cook. Ben can't cook anyways, so that means it was worse. Him cooking while stoned, and loud. Oh golly gee. i was so mad. I think that sealed the deal. I am out. I am looking. Shee she.. oh yes, more about Ben later. Must to go class. peace out. Bye
Thursday, March 13, 2003
I was just on the Madstone website. I miss them. Sad. But I'm in Chicago! Yaay! Please. Everyone is busy, or in class tonight. Then they go to parties. I can't go, because I have damn class, and if we go to sleep, we get bad grades, even though it is sooo boring it makes me want to _________________ put something creative in that blank.
FUSION sucked ass. I would have rather been doing something else.. say sleeping. I need to eat, but I don't want to go home. I dread going there. that's why I need to move. I need to go somewhere I won't dread going to. That's sad. when you dread going to your own house. Damn. I think I am going to work on my history project, and watch apple trailers until the computer lab closes
Muahah. Hope you read it while it was up there. It's gone now. Well, I got the first 3 pages printed, but the last two won't print, becuase this printer is messed up. That sucks like a mothersucker. I'll have to print it tomorrow. Before class. Shit. NOT kosher. I don't respect. Now I have to proofread it myself. And this font is too big. Shit.
I had to paste this here so I can go to the other computer lab and print it. I forgot my disc, so I have to paste it on the other thingy. It sucks, and it has much revision to go though, that's why I'm taking it to the English department. Muahaha. They always correct my papers, because they think I'm stupid, like the other students here. It makes me laugh. Okay. Don't read it though.
Okay. This picture was hotness, so I had to put this quiz in here.

You're Harry Potter! You're the main character in
your group of friends. You may have a few
enemies, but you have enough fans to cover them
Whose your inner Harry Potter character?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Mel. Hey, butch! You're Lindsey's husband,
er wife, and you're a level-headed lawyer as
well. You're sexy and cool beyond belief and
you drink your beer straight from the bottle...
therefore you're a role model for young
lesbians everywhere. Good for you.
Which Queer as Folk Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I think I am satisfied with that, except the lesbian part. I would rather be ETHAN, but I'm not complaining. She's prolly who I'm most like anyways. Fun times. Now I am goint to do my paper.
Hey! It is 1:00 wow oh wow. What a day already! My phone rings at 8:30. Guess who it is? None other than Brad. He wants to move in on the 27th. sad times for him. Haha. I don't know. He has to talk to Ben. Good luck. Yes, since my phone rang at 8:30, that means I wasn't at my 8:00 class. Two reasons. One. When Ben came in last night, he knocked over my alarm, and so it reset. It was blinking 12:00 when i woke up. I had to curse. I was livid. I hate missing classes. Well I haven't missed any until yesterday, but still. I WANTED to miss Math, not Psyc. damnnit. Well, I figured, I guess I'll just go back to sleep. I told myself I would wake up at 10:30 to finish my paper. I woke up at 11:30. Haha. I am stupa. So after that, I ate, put on some clothes (I'm wearing Michael Owen's england world Cup jersey) and started the walk to the computer lab. I stopped by kinko's to see the progress they are making (they are doing a niiice job). I walked in, and asked where I could get an application. The construction worker said to go to the one on Roosevelt and Canal. So, I took the bus. Applied at Kinko's, and I have an interview next week! Well they have to call me about times, but they said they are looking for Columbia Students (since the store is on the campus) and I was perfect. Yaay. So pray that I have a job. After my interview there is training, then the store opens! Maybe they will pay me like $600.00 an hour. Haha yeah. right. Well, now I am going to start on my paper, and I hope to NOT be inturrupted (which I know I will be ay Ben and Brad, and prolly others. Well, I can always hope.)
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
I need to represent for my CARY GIRLS. That's enough said. They don't NEED explanation. Period. I'm out.
OH yes, Maya's new poem.
...bleed the same blood...
...and cum the same color"
Thanks Hannah for hooking us up. I know, I know, everyone can't have him. Looks like he's mine, because you're taken. Not that I take second hand to you, but you know, since you found him, I had to give you first chance. I'm afraid you just were't right for him. You can go back to Jeff now. Give him my regards.
I want to be back in North Carolina with my Madstoners. They make me happy. From Chad's entries (he writes more than the others) they make me want to be back hanging with my peeps. Oh yes, must send Christy an email. She emailed me the other day, but my stupid ass hasn't responded. Erika too. Love her. THANKS FOR THE FRIDA STILL GUYS!! (and Becky, whom I'm sure takes offense to the fact I only said guys. I meant everyone, but I didn't want to say gals too. Sorry to everyone I have offended, which I'm sure is only Becky)
Oh my gosh. Okay, so I am trying to concentrate on this damn paper I have due, and my roomate calls me, and totally interrupts my train of thought. (I decided to write on Mulholland Dr. by the way). So buddy boy was all cratchified on the phone, because the money my mom sent hadn't arrived yet. Look buddy. I am sorry for the post office being slow, but come on. The electric bill isn't late, and you know your grandfather already paid it, so all you want it money to go shopping. Shit. That shit bothers me. Damn, I can't wait to move out this summer. Only 2 more months. I need to find a roomate.. I think Scott and the French girl and I are all going to move in. I am still looking for a job. Shit. I am about to get an application fro Kinko's that's opening a block away. I want to scream now. OH yes, Jason called me! Exciting. Haven't talked to him in a while. Brad really REALLY wants to move in. Right now I say yes, because that makes rent 266 dollars a month. That's better than what I'm paying now. I don't like Brad though, and where is he going to put his stuff? Where are we going to get furniture? I don't know. It's all stupid.
Shit shit shit. I was having a good day. I don't know.. it seems like it's all turned to crap. I fucking hate money. I want to go to sleep. I am hongry. At least we have food at the house. hah. I want to move out tomorrow. I just might do that. Brad can take my place. See how he can live with Ben. Yeah the fuck right. I am the only soul on earth that can live with that boy. He knows it and I know it. I should stop cursing. I have noticed I curse more online, chatting, and in my blog, than I do in real life. Especially since I moved here. I don't curse. Like at all. It's great. Weird, but great. I cursed in my paper for Development and Pre-Production last night. It was great. I love that class. I can't wait for Asthetics either. I don't know why. My teacher isn't even that hot. Nor is ANYONE in the class. OKay, maybe like 2 guys, but still. It's just a good class. Allright. I am going to go do something to avoid talking to my roomate. I get tired of talking to him when he's been stoned the last 4 out of 5 days. Then he asks me to do him favors. No, not sexual ones. Stupid ones. Like 'could you run and get me a pack of cigarettes while I get ready?' No bitch. Get your own damn cigarettes. I think I am getting to my limit of Ben. I mean he's cool (at times when he wants to be and he's not too much on himself), and he's nice (sometimes), but he pushes it every day.
I figured out Mulholland Drive. I must say I am proud of myself. I have a whole thing about that movie. I'll write it laters though, I am drained. Peace.
I didn't go to Math today. I am ghetto. I just needed to sleep. I won't miss anymore classes. I have a paper due friday. This is the prompt:
Pick one movie (1990-present). You can pick one scene and analyze all aspects of mise-en-scene in that scene, or Pick one element of mise-en-scene and follow that element throughout the whole movie. It must be at least 4 pages.
I have no idea what I am going to do. These are my ideas: Mullholland Dr. American History X, Boondock Saints, Traffic, Amelie, The Usual Suspects, and a few others. I am NOT going to do American Beauty, because tons of people are doing that movie. I should do an Indie or foreign film. Y tu Mama? I don't know.
I have a feeling I'm doing well in Asthetics. I know I'm doing well in D&P, history, I think I'm doing okay (depends on what I got on that last quiz) and Math.. please. who cares. All I need is a 'C'. I should do more than that, if I want to transfer.
But wait, i was thinking about transfering today, and Columbia is the ONLY school in the nation with hook-up connections in LA. They have a STUDIO lot. I know I can make it into the program (I outlined my school carreer today.. all my classes and everyhing). then I will be set. After working a few years in LA, I can movie to NY or Vancouver and start my carreer in the independent genere. I'm so excited. My carreer begins NOW, not after I graduate. I need to plan this stuff out. I mean if I go to summer school, then I can finish in 2.5 years instead of 4. Hmmm.. What a thought. I don't know though. My plan is also a 15 hours a semester schedule. If I take more, then I can finish sooner also. I don't know.
I really should get to this paper, and my film history project. Shit. It's due next Friday, and I have TONS of research to do. I'll be pulling all nighters every day this weekend and next week. I am going to try not to go to any parties. I think I might have to cancel on Jake. I mean I really have to do this.
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Wow. I h ave had about zero hours of sleep. I haven't eaten all day. I don't need to eat though. I'm getting too fat. Anyways, let me tell the stories of my day.
Last night, the readings went extremely well. I was amazed. wowsers. I noticed Dan has extremely beautiful eyes. that's about it though.
We then went to Clark's. Brandon was there. I bonded with Scott, who rocks. That boy is awesome. it was his 20th birthday yesterday. He thinks Ben is downright hot. That makes me laugh. We Stayed at Clark's from 10-12:30. wow.
MEAGAN HARRIS-RODGER called me! I seriously haven't talked to her since third grade.
We then went to Scott's house. We weren't supposed to stay long. i ended up spending the night. Rohan, me, Scott, Heaven, and Heaven's girlfriend were all there. It was awesome. Went to bed at 5:30 had to get up at 6:45 to catch the train. No sleep for me.
Psyc. Oh my gosh. i was so tired. never have an 8 o'clock class. Why did I go? I mean I can miss like 5 classes. But I want perfect attendance, even though those last 45 minutes were crazy.
I then went home and slept until 2:30
I woke up to write my Development stuff. It's kinda sad that I made up the majority of that story. I mean the summer day part was real, and my grandma really did attempt suicide numerous times, but I never found her in the bathtub. You know what I mean?
Development was awesome, as always. It really is my favorite class. Then Asthetics, then Psyc, then history then Math. I am going to make straight A's. That's not hard though. I mean I have always made good grades.
John was looking hot tonight. I also noticed Pat is pretty hotness too. So is Dan. All straight though. Damn. That sucks.
Now I am talking online. I am tired and hongry. I haven't eaten all day. Well I had a Honey Bun at Scott's house this morning, but that doesn't count. I need to get some sleepies.
Monday, March 10, 2003
AWWWWWWWWWWW shee shee! Let me tell you about some hotness weekend that I had.
Friday... so I was craving some clam chow-dah. mmmhmm. Rohan was bored too, so we decided to go to some CLarks. You know that is my place. HOLLER. So we were at Clarks (Brandon was our waiter... sooo attractive in a weird way, but he's straight, but he ALWAYS makes it a point to talk to me when I walk in... hmmm...) Anyways, I was like "is it too late to get some Chowder?" He replied "yes, they put it away about 3 hours ago." That was sadness. He gave me a free drink and coffee though (he always does). Rohan and I then went to my house, and I begun to teach him how to knit, then he went to sleep, because he was tired. Hell, I was tired too! I started a new scarf. It's awesome. Blue rib-stich on 8's. I got alot done on Saturday...
WOW. Great day. The rain/sleet sucked, but anywho..
About face was okay. Some guy came in and talked about safe sex. He did it in a way that was shocking. I was like wow. I mean damn. Boy made jokes about everything. He told it like it was, and used the terms, and it was fun. I have to admit. I liked it.
We then went with Andy (girl) and Brandon (boy) to get their tongues pierced. Fun times. I felt like I was re-living my expierences through them.
Then to Clarks (man, we are for real always there) Rebecca was our waitress. She rocks too. he never makes me pay for coffee or fries. I love her. I met this guy, Sam, who says he's straight, but hahaha. He's fooling himself. I'm straighter than him. Also met Jorge, Dan's new boy. They won't last long. Sad to say, but Dan's being swept off of his feet, and Jorge is 23. Dan's a senior in HS, and he's not ready for all that. Jorge's a teacher.
Then back to the crib to change for the party (which is the highlight of the weekend by far). Rohan is like 500 feet taller than me, so my clothes wouldn't fit him. He had to wear Ben's. It took forever to get him dressed.
THEN TO THE PARTY... Can we say wowsers. Well actually, the party itself sucked, but wow. OKay. Let me just start at the beginning.
We get to the party.
TONS of people.
The music sucked at first.
Only beer to drink. I don't drink beer.
Guys were hot.
Guys were straight.
Gay guys had boys already.
Met Jonathan.
Jonathan is hot.
Jonathan is a guy Rachel wants to date.
Jonathan is hot.
Jonathan is not all straight.
More about Jonathan later.
Olivia and I decided to dance.
We tore it up. We always do.
More people started dancing.
Music got better.
People started leaving.
Ran out of beer.
Party got better as people left.
Amp blew.
No music.
Party started to suck.
Tons of people left.
Guys started hitting on Olivia.
Rachel started making out with Jonathan (damn her! haha. Just kidding. I love her).
I saw a hot boy.
We guessed he was staright.
Rachel knew him.
Said his name was Kyle.
It was James.
Rachel was drunk.
James started kissing ugly girl.
I was sad.
I never get guys at partys.
Wait... I never get guys. Period.
Buddah (drunk boy) started hitting people for no reason.
It was funny.
I laughed.
I hit him back.
He fell over.
That was even funnier.
Okay. Now for the juice. So, Jonathan and I started talking, you know at the party. Rachel was in the bathroom. We were just chillin, you know, asking about the majors, school. Blah blah. We decided we're ready to peace out of that joint, and go somewhere else (Rachel's house). We begin putting on our coats, and Rachel had Jonathan's gloves in her purse. She wouldn't give him back one of the gloves, and the following conversation insued:
J: "if you don't give me back my gloves, I'm going to make out with your friend Christopher over there"
R: "I would make out with Christopher if I was a gay man, and you will not make out with him"
J: "oh, you just wait. Christopher is quite hot"
R: "hell yes he is, and he needs to find a guy"
J: "he may have found one" (then he looks at me)
R: "hah you're so funny"
J: "if you keep my glove, we'll find out"
R: "the glove is mine, boy"
J: "I'll count from 5"
J: 4
J: 3
J: 2
(he moves in closer to me )
J: 1..
Jonathan kisses me. IT's more than a kiss. WOW. WOW. WOW! SHIT! FUCK! SHIT!
I didn't kiss him back, because he was Rachel's first. You know ho's before bro's (well that's a little misconstrued, but I put my girls first). Rachel didn't care, and that made me happy, because she knows it was all him first. Swept me off my feet though. WOW. WOW.
IT's not over kids...
So, on to Rachel's house. There a ton of flirting between Jonathan and I went on.. whole bunch of staring.. you know, the works. So Rachel gets Jonathan a beer, and it overflows. Gets on her floor, and she cleans it up. She gets beer on her hands wipes it on Jonathan's face (he says "ew.. thanks"), then says, "anyone who wants a beer can just lick it off the floor" Jonathan then says: "or they can just lick it off of my fucking face" I immeadiatley say:
"I perfer the latter" (go me!!)
Everyone was silent. Olivia gasped. Then at the same time, everyone started laughing. Jonathan then stared at me like 'I think I would like that alot too'.
We then left shortly after that, said our goodbyes, and yeah... Jonathan said "I'm sure we'll see each other more". I say "yeah, hopefully, if you and Rachel ya know.. hit it off".
Then we left.
IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rohan and Olivia then slept over. Fun times.
Got 3 hours of sleep. Got up at 8:30, because I had a script reading for About Face to go to, and they might want me to audition for the AFT show, not just the Youth Theater show. That's fucking awesome. I'd be the only one ever to be in About Face Theater and About Face Youth Theater at the same time.
Today. I have a reading tonight.. it's a presentation of a play. It's going to ROCK. This is a really big deal, and I get to be a part of it. Only Gail and I were chosen to be in the presentation. She's doing Megan Carney's play, and I'm doing Paul Oakley Stovall's. This is all for About Face. I'm excited. Oh yes.
I was locked out last night. I gave Ben my key, and he locked the door. Then he left. I couldn't get in my apt. I was there for 7 hours waiting. I looked like a retard. I was livid.
Went out with Mike and Rohan today. Now we're about to get some food, then go to my reading. Fun times! They have to pay to see it. I don't, because I"m in it!
Peace out
Thursday, March 06, 2003
WHEW! I AM TIRED AS A MOTHERSUCKER!! You don't even know! OH MY WORD! Whew!
Allright. Here's the Lowdown on the last hour of my life. boy oh boy!
6:01- my dad called me with the information about Western Union. I was at the 1104 Center, so Jewel (where I usually go to get Western Union stuff) was a block away, on Roosevelt. Yaay I thought. I have an hour to get to Jewel, get my stuff, and go to the bookstore so I can buy my film history book. [I haven't bought any books, because they are too expensive, and I have no money. I usually just go to the library, read up on what I need to do, take notes, and that's that. But no. Teacher boy said we should have the book, because the tests (which I have tomorrow) are not easy. So, dad sent money the other day, correct, but there are these things called bills, which I still have to finish paying, and I hate. Boo-hoo. :( ]
6:05 - I get to Jewel, and they were expierencing "technical difficulties". I didn't respect. So, they looked up the next closest location that I could get some dinero. Within a mile, they were all closed. So, Dominick's was open, which was 2 miles away. I figure I'll take the bus, and get there and back by 7.
6:15 - The bus hadn't come. I decide to begin my treck. I was run/walking through the icy snow on the ground (in my Italian leather black Bass shoes may I add). I saw Dominicks. I started hauling ass. I slip, but don't fall. I'm running. So is my nose. My legs and feet were killing me. "this is the end", I thought. "I'm going to die before I get my money". As I passed over the bridge, I imagined how cold the water is, and it made me scared to go near the edge.
6:30 - I got to Dominick's. The girl was talking too much to her friend as wasn't paying enough attention to me. I couldn't have all that now. Shit. I had somewhere to be. I asked politely if she could hurry up. Believe me, I was extra poilte. She said, "sure" and went back to work.
6:38 - I was headed out of Domicks. On the corner I saw the bus leaving the bus stop. "Shit", I said aloud. "Now I'm going to die before I get my book, because I have to run all the way back to the 624 Building. Well whoever finds my dead body will be a rich man." I began my travels back. Over my shoulder, I heard the sound of air breaks. "what's that?!", I was getting excited. "Is that a BUS I hear?" I ran to the next stop, and turned around. I have never seen a more beautiful thing in my life. The charcoal bus with blue and red stripes (it used to be white, but it snowed, and we all know what happens to white vehicles when it snows. They turn grey) pulled over to pick me up from misery. I got on the bus beaming. Everyone on that bus became my best friend. I greeted the whole bus with a wave, and a "hey everyone!". I got strange looks.
6:47 - Get to 13th and Michigan Ave. 7 blocks south of where I need to be. I have to go to the 600 block, and there's no Michigan bus in sight. I knew I could make it by now, but I'd have to walk fast, and my feet were not going to allow that. I was trying my best to walk quickly, and I see another thing of beauty across the street. The North bound Michigan bus. I wasn't going to make it. It was two blocks down, headed my way, and I had to cross the busy street. The wrong light had just turned green, so I was screwed. All of A sudden, I found myself jaywalking across the busy street, with an onslaught of cars zooming in my direction to kill me. I felt like I was in the video game "Frogger". Right as I step onto the curb, the bus comes, and the driver says "you must be a man with a mission, because I don't know many people who would do what you just did". I replied "sir, I have places to be". He said "I feel ya, I feel ya", and chuckled.
6:54 - I'm directly across from the bookstore. I ran to the intersection, and cross the street (correctly this time, the walk signal was flashing). I jetted to the bookstore with 5 minutes to spare before it closed. I grabbed my book (I knew exactly where it was), and went to the cashier, who was highly attractive. He was smiling at me. I smiled back. "$75.04" he said. "That's about $70 bucks too much", I exclamed. He giggled, and said "I know what you mean". I gave him the money, and he gave me my change.
6:59 - I left the bookstore, and walked to the library (which is in the same building), which is where I am now, typing you this account of my trials and tribulations.
The Lord was on my side today. Amen. Thank you Jesus. He knows I need to study. Well, that's what I have to do, but not until later. I have some online time to spend. Well that's all for now. I think I am going to take a nap before I start my studying endeavors. I have plenty of chips, cookies, ice cream, hot chocolate, and coffee to last me through the night. Oh yes, and oven pizza. I don't know how I'm to stay awake tomorrow, but we'll worry about that when it comes.
wow. I just got done with my weekly reading of Reid/Ben/Zach/Sam/Mark/ and whoever else's blog. It's amazing how much can go on in the course of one week. I don't know the half of anything, but golly gee willikers.
This is to all the peoples at Peace Presbyterian Churcheroo: Fight the good fight (I just saw that in a movie, but I can't remember what movie). Although things can get hard, it's never over, and we just have to take things as they come. Tomorrow will be here sooner than you think, so just challenges day by day. Anyways, I miss you all, and I'll be prayin for the lot of ya. Maybe I'll get to see your faces at church if/when I come back. I shall converse with ya'll at a later point and time! Loce you all!
Sooo... well, I must go work on this project, and hopefully my beautiful shipment of goods has arrived at my house from mein mutti (my mother). Allrightythen.. I'm leaving now. I have IV, and all this craperoo to do! AHH! Fun times though.
My dad needs to call me, because I have a History if Cinema quiz tomorrow (it's going to be hard) and I need the book, because we can't check them out. I can't copy 200 pages either, so I have to read them, and take notes, but I can't do it in the library, because someone has the book already. Damn them. So, he needs to send me money for books, my phone and electric bills, and money for me. Haha. Well I guess I don't NEED the last one, but you know it's always good. AMEN to that. Holler.
Jake writes extremely awesome. I want to write like him.
I have INtervarsity in an hour. I told sister girl I would go, but I don't want to. I have to keep my word, you know? I'm only staying an hour, because I have FUSION. Fun times for all.
Ryan leaves tomorrow for Costa Rica!
Well. So last night, Brad calls me, and he's crying, about how his life sucks. He was about to committ suicide (or so he says. At first, I believed him, but then, after being on the phoney with him for a while, I think he was being dramatic). So, you know, when people say they are about to kill themselves, I don't play. I had to keep him on the phone, and keep him talking and stuff, because you never know. I mean I couldn't do anything else really. He got better as time progressed, and I felt okay letting him off the phone. It was about 2 in the morningish. I had class at 8.
Ben came home sooo stoned. I was laughing soo hard at him. Hahah. Shit that mess was so funny. He walks in, and this is the conversation that insued:
"Hey. How was your night?"
"haha. Did you get stoned"
"nooo. what are youuuuuu taaalking about? Of cooooouerse I got stoned!"
"haha. You are shit-faced"
"whhat! I don't look like shiiiit" (he goes to the mirror) "my hair is soooo niiiiiice! I like to feeeeel it!!"
"how much did you smoke?"
"did you smoke alot?"
"noooooo, oonly since after rehersaaal" (his rehersal ended at 9. He walked in at 2:30ish)
"so you are stoned"
"I'm not ssssstoonneeed.. okaaaay.... Maybe a litttle-ittle bit... Noooo A Lllllot a biiit! HE HE HE!"
I was dying on the floor laughing. He kept asking what I was laughing about. It was great. Today is Thursday! BOO! I have so much to do! Study for a history exam, work on my Mise-en-scene stuff: Go crazy. Etc. Well. I'll write more laters! See ya!
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Just got off the phoney with mommy. Fun times. Yes. So I applied to about 700 jobs today. Let's see.
Abercrombie (she kinda liked me, but I'm not sure)
Gap (I don't know why I applied there)
French Connection (I want to work there)
Steve Madden (I wanna work there too)
Banana Republic
Express for Men
Sunglasses World
and all those other places in Water Tower.
Fun times. haha get this. So Maya calls me today (well actually I called her, because we were online, and she had to tell me something). So, we're talking, and she was telling me how she and Bridgette went out last night (I need to call Bridgette by the way), and they saw Mrs. Huntley in some Target. Haha. (I'm laughing just thinking about what I'm about to type). So, they got their chat on and everything, and Mrs. H. was like "Reid is in Dick's Sporting Goods". So Maya and Bridgette hike their tails on over there, and see Ben and Reid, you know, talked, hugged, whatever. Then, Reid goes "Hey, Maya, there's just something I gotta know... is Chris Guest gay"? Now, come on now, if you read this damn blog, then you already know. It was quite hilarious. THEN he said something that made me laugh my ass off. He says "Yeah, Allan and I were talking, and we wonder if those pats on the back he would give were more that jus pats" HAHAH.. PLEASE. I wish I would. That made me happy. I laughed for ages. There is one guy whom I would pat and mean it. That is.. well, we'll keep that a secret. No we won't. Eric Hamalainen.
I'm going out with Jake next weekend.
Well well well.. No more to say. well not now at least. I'll have something to say tomorrow, because it'll be a new day.

Eureeka's Castle! You enjoy spending time with your
pet Dragon and doing spells.
What's Your 90's Nickelodeon Show?
brought to you by Quizilla
I for real used to LOVE THAT SHOW! Let me see what the other ones are.. Legends of the Hidden Temple (that was ok), Clarissa (that was my show!!!) Hey Dude! (haha Crystal LOVED that! It's a little wild, and a little strange.. livin life out on the plain...) Salute Your Shorts (That show was hilarious) Are you Afraid of the Dark (I hated that show) and last but not least... ADVENTURE'S OF PETE AND PETE!!! YOU KNOW!! But I'll stick with Eureka's Castle, because that brings back old memories.
I woke up this morning in an excellent mood. Don't really know the reason, just in an all out good mood. I got to get more money from dad, because bills need to be paid. I am going out to Water Tower today to Abercrombie to make sure they are going to hire me. The only other option I reakky have left is Kinko's, and I don't know when they open, or where to apply. I can't ask the construction people, because they don't know. Kinko's would be perfect, because I can walk there in less than 5 minutes. It's opening very soon.
So last night I went out with Mike, we just hung out. Boy did we hang. Ha. No sexuals, don't worry. I'm still a good boy. Just high school stuff, and neither of us finished, so yeah. We're cool though. It won't go past what it did last night, we decided that.
I have to clean my apartment. It's a mess
Math was boring.
I really hope I get a job today. What am I going to wear? I have to look all dapper today.
It's almost 2 o'clock. I have to do laundry too, and study for History. Well, I shall leave now. Let me find a quiz to put at this posting.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
This hotness guy works in the library. He must be new, because I haven't seen him before, and as much as I'm here, I have seen almost everyone.
I should ask for his "call number".
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALANNA (It's Belated, I know) I LOVE YOU GIRL! YOU ARE MY ACE! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I wish I could buy her something, but we all know, my money situation sucks for now.
Dum da duuuum, duuuum, da da daaaaa duuum, da duuum, dum, dum da duum, duum da duuuum... I've been humming Star Wars all morning. Not the main theme, and not Vader's theme, but the dark force theme. You know.. Or maybe you don't, but I know, and that's all that matters. Ha. So there.
Well, guess what? Last night, I had me a good night. Quite humerous too. I was in the 1104 Center, and it was about 10:45. They say the lab closes at about 10:00, so I figured someone would come up and tell me that the lab was closed. All of a sudden, all og the lights went out. I about threw a fit. I was scared out of my mind. The computer lab is 2 floors, and I was on the second floor, so maybe they just forgot me. Ha. So I left the computer lab, and then called Maya on my way to Jewel-Osco (the grocery sto'). She laughed at me, and I laughed at me too. We had some fun times last night on the phone while I was shopping for groceries. I was whalling out over food prices. I don't respect the prices here. Boy. They do not play!
I then went home, and it was about 11:30. I decided I was going to have a pamper night. So, I made me some hot Cocoa (which I just bought), and a hot bath, and read David Sedaris, while drinking cocoa, in the bathtub. It was awesome. I went to bed at about 12:45 ish.
Got up this morning. Are LIFE cereal (yaaay!!!!) Now I have a project to do before class tonight. It'll only take me a few minutes.
There's a lunchtime thingy with Moises Kauffman and Doug Wright today. I don't know if I'll go. Hmmm...
Monday, March 03, 2003
I am semi-appeased. At least rent is paid. I have a few dollars to buy supplies for my project due tomorrow night. Fun times for all. I'm going to get them after the computer lab closes. I decided I'm no longer going to be cellibate. I need a boyfriend. Haha. Today, I was talking to my daddy on the phoney, and he was like "look at those homosexuals hugging." He was at the movie theater (he only goes to the $1.50). He was like "and it's the women folk too". I was laughing... he doesn't know though.. Oh yes, I get more money tomorrow.
I am about to get more groceries... and look for a boyfriend.
I haven't done this in a while. So get it. here we go!

What's YOUR sexual fetish?
brought to you by Quizilla
Today is the day... the day I get money. My dad should be at the bank right now as I type. That's what he said. I am strugglin' for cash. I spent my last 21 cents this past weekend. 20, becase Laura (who rocks) needed it to get back to E-town (that's Evanston). My last penny, I gave to a homeless man who was just given a new pair of shoes from a random guy (or so he says). He had no bottom teeth in the front of his mouth. I'm in the 1104 Center computer lab. I think this is my favorite one. This, then 623, then 624 library, then the Dorms, then 600, and I haven't been to the other ones enough to say. I do know I need to talk about my weekend. Ben is being really nice. I needed to say that.
My weekend: Friday: I watched those movies, then went home. Russ called me, and we talked for 4 hours, 31 minutes, and 31 seconds (I'm not anal or anything, it just said that on my phone). It was actually an awesome conversation. We talked about a ton of things. Yaay. I told him about my problem (well it's not really a problem, just something that I haven't done in a while, and for no reason.. the "deed"), and he think's I'm funny, well at least I think he does. If nothing comes of anything, we'll be friends.
Saturday: About Face. It was different.. I liked it, but I didn't. I mean I hadn't heard from my dad since Wed. so, I was still a little worried about that, but he called me. Ryan was looking cute as a button. He goes to Costa Rica on Friday, and comes back the following Sunday. Weird. Same with Russ, but he leaves Wednesday of next week, and comes back Sunday (well he's going to Salt Lake City). Haven't talked to Brad. I've shrugged him off. Back to Saturday though. Went to Clark's, found out never tell Bea and (tall) Dan anything (not Dan rymer). They can't keep secrets, or confidentiality. Gotta watch what you say around those mothersuckers. Talked one on one with Ryan (ahhhh.. fun times!!!). Found out he likes me, but I can't "expect anything". I won't. Yes I will. We're never going to date. I know that, becase that's what 'don't expect anything' means. Sad. went out with Rachel, Olivia, Rohan, and Laura. We had fun at Clark's. We then went to a party, but it wasn't really a party, because the guys throwing it were lame. haha. Olivia and I played chess. I let her beat me. I really did. I am good at chess. Then it was 4:30 in the morning, so we went home.
Sunday: I slept all day, until about 4, and Rohan called me to come to his house to watch Six Feet Under and Queer as Folk, my favorite shows, except Dawson's.
SFU and QAF rocked. Justin is hot with longer hair. Ethan is still my boy.
Russ called. We talked for like 5 hours. I learned what felching is. haha.
Today: still waiting on daddy to call me, because I need money, and he's supposed to be depositing it, so I can give it to my roommate, so he can write the check, so rent will be paid. Shit. I'm getting worried, because I have a project due tomorrow, and I have no money to buy the supplies. I have all that I can do with the project done, but I have to get the other stuff, or it wont' be complete, and it's like 15% of my final grade. They don't give incompletes. If he doesn't have this money, I think I have a right to be pissed.
See ya.